Vader Legacy

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Vader Legacy 16 13 4 2.0

golonka 294

Strong control force deck.

Main sorce of dmg are specials and Power of the dark side and No Mercy.

I have more then a few good games with it, and 100% win ratio so far.

So take it and destroy them :D

At start fish for holocron, thus throug knowledge you will gain power!

3 commenti

DestinedOne 1

Very nice deck :) I use something similar and i tend to swipe one of the lightsabers with Kylo's lightsaber. But overall Vader and Kylo are a powerful team.

DeBadwolf 1

First this is coming from a guy who has only played maybe a dozen games.

Is no mercy really any good? 2 resources and 4 discards to do max 4 damage seems a bit pricey?

And how often do you actual use Mind trick. Again the 2 cost resources seems a bit much.


Deflect: seems very situational. Feel Your Anger: very very situational at a cost of 1.

Everything else I like and plan to make the deck and give it a go. Just thinking about changing some events. Thanks for posting and looking forward to any reply.

golonka 294

No mercy is one of the best cards here, 4 dmg out of nowhere are great finisher. You use it to end something, not at the start, so the discard is not so painfull. One mind trick gone - good point there. Feels you anger and deflect are situational, but in this game, no card is useless since you can reroll thanks to them.