Gotta Catch a Maul - Final Form

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Gotta Catch a Maul 2.0 1 0 3 2.0
Ispiratore di
Trilogy Red Maul 0 0 2 1.0

TurkeyClubSamich 118

This is (hopefully) the finished version of this deck, hot on the heels of Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician's removal from the Balance of the Force. I also went with Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine instead of Theed Royal Palace - Naboo because, after the first round Theed becomes useless - all your dice need to be used for damage - and the curve is low enough that you won't need it. Better to get shields and keep Maul alive.

Thanks to for pointing out that I should be using Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician instead of Veteran Stormtrooper now that she costs 9/13.

13 commenti

Nukesquad 3

Aside from Respite and a situational Fresh Supplies, I don't see how you can afford the upgrades, tech, and action cheat cards tho.

What's the ideal opening hand for this deck?

ScruffyLookingDiceRollers 184

Great deck, really enjoyed playing against it on TTS this morning :)

TurkeyClubSamich 118

@Nukesquad, ideally you're looking for Count Dooku's Lightsaber, one removal card like The Best Defense... or Forsaken, one ramp card like Respite or Fresh Supplies, and one of your action cheats (Tactical Mastery or Seize the Day). Aside from the upgrades, of which you're rarely playing more than one of at a time in a game, the curve is super cheap, so resources aren't a problem. More often you're overwriting Dooku's Saber with another saber.

TurkeyClubSamich 118

@ScruffyLookingDiceRollers Thanks! Good times, thanks for the games!

TurkeyClubSamich 118

So, I know this was supposed to be the final version, but I'm cutting both Pulverize in favor of two Direct Hit. There's just not often enough dice in the pool to get good value out of Pulverize, and Direct Hit is still good after Maul is dead.

FragrantOlives 304

Isn't Imperial Might strictly better than Direct Hit?

Remedy 204

I mean I think conflicted is better than any of the above 3 cards. You could also cut way of the dark for a torment to help ramp and consider energy bows for weapon options along with the mortiss for redeploy. Niman Mastery also seems like a good option to link up with Phasma's special. This deck seems money hungry I'd consider dropping your mitigation down to doubts and measure for measure also and switch the edicts for intimidates (or w.e the 0 cost version of shield removal is)

TurkeyClubSamich 118

@FragrantOlives, yes, right you are. I suppose there's no drawback to going with Imperial Might.

@Remedy, I had originally included Chancellor's Edict when Ewoks were hot in the meta, since it was a dual purpose card - you remove shields from an Ewok (likely gained by Diplomatic Protection) and kill it, getting two shields for yourself. I figured the likely 4-for-1 was good value. Nowadays, with fewer Ewoks about, and having switched to Obi-Wan's Hut - Tatooine, it's probably a little safer and more economical to run with Intimidate.

I've only played 4 or so games after adding Direct Hit and never played the card. Can't remember if it was due to not having the money, the circumstances not being right, or just not drawing it, but in any case I didn't feel like I was missing it. I could see Conflicted being a useful cheaper replacement, and soft dice fixing to boot. I'll try it out.

Niman Mastery was in the original build, but I find it's just too slow and not offensive enough. I pulled both copies in favor of 2x Count Dooku's Lightsaber. As for the mitigation package, I'm telling you, this deck is not as money starved as you think. Most turns I find myself only needing the 2 resources I start with to do everything I want to do. Not sure what pieces of mitigation you think are too expensive, but I'm not a fan of Doubt in the current meta, with so many monster dice going around on which it's a dubious play. Measure for Measure was under consideration, but I strongly feel like resolving all of your dice is imperative.

Sycho 1

I've played this deck a dozen times now and it's my new favorite Maul deck. (and I've played 100s of them).

Has Act of Betrayal hit for you? I like the idea but it hasn't for me yet. Perhaps a Beguile for emergencies?

Recovered Saber is a solid replacement for Count Dooku's Lightsaber considering all the shields in Reylo decks (and others)

TurkeyClubSamich 118

@Sycho Hey! We've definitely locked horns a few times on TTS. Good to hear from you! Act of Betrayal has definitely been useful, usually on opponents running Chewbacca's Blaster Rifle and Force Storm. Additionally, it can be used on your own upgrade dice should a modifier side be stranded in the dice pool.

I like the idea of Recovered Sith Lightsaber. Could be very useful. I honestly think it's a tossup/matter of taste. The ping ability on Count Dooku's Lightsaber is key, though. I've administered lethal damage with that sneaky ping on several occasions, often overwriting a bigger saber to do it, playing it as free damage out of hand.

I don't love Beguile in this deck, since I'd rather just focus on pushing tempo and damage, and keep the removal suite cheap and minimal.

Sycho 1

@TurkeyClubSamich how do i make the cards appear with mouse over?

had not thought of Act of Betrayal used on own die. that could be clutch. Force Storm was first die i thought of. Unfortunately doesn't work on Support dice.

Similar purpose for Recovered Sith Lightsaber ripping shields quickly before lethal damage can slip through. I'm trying 1 of each now, we'll see which plays better int he meta.

Agree, let's keep pushing the tempo and damage. Conflicted fits well or Fear and Dead Men.

Sycho 1

Conflicted got it ;)

lucasmed 7

Great deck! Have you considered using Twin Strike?