Alpha Jawa Squadron Tatooine Regional 130-0

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
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KingOfOdonata 89

Admiral Log Entry 2-20-19:

After my trip to Tatooine, I did not expect the new recruits to be up to snuff. But I should have had no Doubt what they were capable of. These little guys are weak though scrappy. Most importantly, their resourcefulness allowed us to rebuild the imperial fleet. I never thought I would be able to command such odd little creatures, or get them to accomplish such a great task as rebuilding our TIE Fighters and Hailfire Droid Tanks that were but scrap parts in the Aftermath of the great war. The Jawa Scavengers were put to work gathering up the pieces of our vehicles that were lost on Tatooine due to Crash Landings after being Outnumbered and Pinned Down by the Republic. By putting these Jawa's to work in the Weapons Factory Alpha, we could prepare for Deployment.

I have truly come to realize how much how misunderstood and capable the Jawas are. After receiving some Imperial Backing to train these Jawas in the ways of the TIE Pilots, I was able to teach them some basic flight abilities, like the powerful Flanking Maneuver. Combining their abilities to Flank with their newly equipped Bubble Shields, the new Alpha Jawa Squadron would be ready to begin the next Planetary Bombardment. Even if a newly rebuilt TIE Fighter would need to be sacrificed, we will prevail! UTINNI!

10 commenti

thyagumm 56

Did you try this deck? sounds funny..

KingOfOdonata 89

Hi @thyagumm! Yes, I've played with it four times so far. While it may not stand up to your top tier decks like Vader and such, it is a blast to play and can be quite dangerous. We did a theme night last nights called "Clone Escort" where a team had to be an elite Unique of 14 points or less and 2+ non-uniques of the same name. I went 2-1 with this.

It's completely possible to get all four TIE Fighters out round 1, though you'd prefer to drop Hailfire Droid Tank first. The Jawas are only there to generate resources with Piett. Though after a couple of rounds, you can go for damage.

Another key card for this deck is Deployment, as it gets a bunch of dice out fast for Firmus Piett to immediately follow it up. Honestly a Tactical Mastery would be a nice include as well.

Also, watch out for some heavy hitting Planetary Bombardment, especially if dropped with an Imperial Backing.

lij_xo 252

Really glad you uploaded this lol. And yes, definitely tell folks to watch out for Bombardment, especially watch out for TWO Bombardments....

thyagumm 56

Nice, I really like funny decks more then meta decks. Maybe I'l try this deck someday.

KingOfOdonata 89

@thyagummI prefer just fun decks, whether for theme or for something weird and goofy. Between this and my double Gamorrean Guard/eBazine deck, it's the most fun I've had with Destiny.

Imperial Spy 178

Have you tried it with 3 battle droids and Piett?

KingOfOdonata 89

@NamedinkNo because I wanted resources from the Jawas. If I did Battledroids, it would be an entirely different deck.

ABG_Dave 141

-1 Piett die, +1 Armored Reinforcement.

KingOfOdonata 89

@ABG_Dave That's an interesting idea. Piett's die is not bad, but he is definitely there for his ability. But, Armored Reinforcement could guarantee the Hailfire Droid Tank drops round 1. I'll have to try it that way.

Brad21126 49

I messed around with this in trilogy; definitely went single die Piett and armored reinforcement. Subbed in the Umbaran for planetary also. The Jawas with their resource side and Piett fixing them is big in early rounds. The upcoming shape shifter in the draft set is also a 6 with a resource side (as compared to droids who don't have one).