Vader Hammer Smashed Face - Top 8 at Milwaukee -6-1 in Swiss

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Raid Boss Vader - Fargo Regional Winner ( 34 22 8 1.0
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Non ancora.

wretchedsin6 90

My Top 8 Vader deck. Vader is easy and fun to play with. I only used 1 Darth Vader's Lightsaber due to Flames of the Past.

Rules I lived by for this deck (a lot of it came from )
Resolve when you have it.
Resolve side on Vader dice pretty much always.
Re-roll (unless it saves Vader late game) and sides.
Bait and switch only for a kill shot.
Claiming Theed Royal Palace - Naboo is huge for the bonus .
Darksaber is a Death Saber.

Games Recap (if I forgot things or bad)
Swiss rounds
Yoda - Wizened Master, Leia Organa - Heart of the Resistance mil - W (1-0)
He got 2 Force Jump out round 1. I was not able to get any damage through for 2 rounds. There was a point where I could have to show but he had 2 jumps showing , so I decided to to instead. That lead to 10 resources, which got out a Vader's Fist and Darksaber and round later. Game went to time and I won due to damage.

Snoke - Supreme Leader, DJ - Treacherous Rogue - L (1-1)
Mitigation and he got Vader's Fist out round 2. I couldn’t roll consistent enough for good Vader damage. I couldn't mitigate his resource side and he was able to Snoke - Supreme Leader it for some good money. He made Top 8 with me.

Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary, Savage Opress - Reckless Warrior - W (2-1)
I won roll off and chose my battle field, avoiding the Throne room. Got out a Vader's Fist round 2, avoided Boba’s all but once. Killed Boba Fett - Deadly Mercenary by Round 3, then Savage Opress - Reckless Warrior by round 4. I rolled well with .

Yoda - Wizened Master, Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative, Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy mil - W (3-1)
He got out a Force Jump round 1 on Yoda - Wizened Master. He did NOT get out a Anakin Skywalker's Podracer at all, so that helped me a lot. I did a little damage on yoda, then next round I had some Vader damage to kill Yoda before Jump rolled out. Next round, more Vader damage to kill Cassian Andor - Rebellion Operative in one shot. He did not get out any Second Chance, Anakin Skywalker - Podracing Prodigy eventually died soon after that. Darksaber die was rolling hot. 3 (5) side rolled out 3 times. When Darth Vader - Terror To Behold rolls like a terror, its very easy to win. By the end, I had the unholy trinity of upgrades on Vader, Maul's Lightsaber, Darth Vader's Lightsaber, Darksaber.

DJ - Treacherous Rogue, Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter, Battle Droid (all 1 die)- W (4-1)
Lots of indirect for him. BT-11 out 2nd round, 0-0-0 out 3rd round. Killed Battle Droid early round 2. Round 3- Rolled out some Vader damage that he did not have mitigation for to kill DJ - Treacherous Rogue in 1 shot. Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter died soon after.

Han Solo - Independent Hotshot, Qi'Ra - Street Savvy - W (5-1)
I was worried about Hyperspace Jump all game long - always looking at his resource count. Played Vader's Fist round 2 after his resources went down to 0 or 1 just to make sure he did not have hyperspace. Kill Qi'Ra - Street Savvy round 3 with a Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary shot after a mistake I made in round 2. A key Rise Again help vader stay alive. Then it was down to his X-8 Night Sniper and my Vader's Fist for re-rolls to death. He couldn’t get the 3 and I hit the 3 for the win.

Darth Vader - Terror To Behold, Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary - W (6-1)
Prized Possession vader first round, I had 2 Force Speed on vader. Got a Darksaber out early round 2, rolled a 1 (3) to discard his The Price of Failure, while I also had a The Price of Failure. Waited til late round 2 to use it after he claimed to do some good damage on his vader. Rolled out round 3, did a huge Bait and Switch to kill his vader. He got out his Vader's Fist. Got a huge Rise Again round 4 to add Maul's Lightsaber to Vader (un prized possessed) and killed his Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary.

Top 8 match
Darth Vader - Terror To Behold, Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary - L (0-2)
Game 1: Again a Prized Possession Round 1 against me. I had a Treasured Lightsaber and Force Speed on vader. He got a Vader's Fist out round 2, mine was out round 3. He also got out a Darth Vader's Meditation Chamber round 1. I couldn’t really get much damage going into him without vader’s 2nd die. We both played a Rise Again, but he just did more damage than me.

Game 2: Round 1 Vader's Fist for him. He played a key Feel Your Anger when I had 2 blanks showing to remove a Maul's Lightsaber and my Vader's Fist die Round 2. He was able to get his Rise Again round 3 while my Rise Again’s were on the bottom of my deck. Played a hopeful Friends in High Places late round 4 or 5 to maybe hit a Rise Again and failed. Then i died. :-( He eventually went on to win it all. Good player, Fun guy!

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