2nd Place 27 Ppl Store Champ 7/7/18 Salt Lake Gaming Con

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

D4rthCaedus 243

I lost in round 5 to a Yondo, which I also lost 0-2 to in the top 2 match. He played his deck excellently and deserved that win, I not only didn't have as much knowledge of his deck as I should have, I also made some bad misplays. I underestimated the sweet synergy of Yoda + weapons with awesome specials + Cunning, and having to either get hit hard or not usually get out my big supports hurt. I should have played more risky to get out my big guns early like usual and then hope for the best as far as controlling his crazy stuff, but tbh even then it would have been a VERY tough battle!

Initial rounds:

  • Win: ePoe/Sabine
  • Win: e7th/Tarkin
  • Win: eAayla/Yoda/Temple Guard
  • Win: e7th/eBoba
  • Loss: Yondo


  • Win 2-0 against same e7th/eBoba
  • Loss 0-2 against same Yondo

------- Summary -------

The idea here is of course power action Thrawn's money side and get a 6-cost support out turn one, and hopefully again turn two. Use Thrawn to take away mitigation usually, sometimes upgrades or other crucial pieces (It Binds All Things etc).

This deck was inspired by others' builds, but I modified it for my play style, mainly with the Scorched Earth and Ground Battalion, which I loved because tbh I wouldn't have won most (if any) of my games without it. Against 7th/Tarkin (my usual deck I play lol) it dealt 14 damage (9 one round then 5 the next)!

Pretty much every game win went as follows: I get pounded round one while playing a big support or two, round two I play another support and some mitigation, round three I play a lot of removal/Fall Back + a small support/Scorched Earth and Thrawn usually dies by now, turn 4 play a lot of removal and ideally finish them, or else it gets VERY close and I barely close it out in round 5!

------- Changes(?) -------

I only played this deck a few times before the tourney so I'm going to be testing some variations, the cards I'm going to try adding are:

Fang Fighter for AT-DPs, and potentially Flames of the Past for Art of War (which was tricky to play right), and Flames will help against slow support decks and may actually be great against fast decks (between Thrawn calling upgrades and playing it post-Fall Back). It's tempting to run a Dark Ritual or two since the deck doesn't do much except limp out a couple removals after Thrawn dies.

Darth Vader's TIE Advanced Got me a at least one awesome game-ending play, Kylo Ren's Starfighter often got played for 1 (I frequently controlled the battlefield due to Ground Battalion) so it was very worth it. In my head All In should have been a MVP but it never did anything for me, I'll be considering swapping it out for something.

------- Edit/Updates -------

Replacing Tactical Mastery and Three Steps Ahead with Partnership as it accomplishes the same usual goal of forcing out a big support damage die or a big money side on Thrawn, except if I don't roll either well then I am not wasting the resource.

10 commenti

D4rthCaedus 243

Some other fun cards to play with could be Now You Will Die/Target Intel, and you could use Overrun in lieu of Ground Battalion if you wanted to ease up on the battlefield owning theme, or Trench Warfare if you wanted to double down on it (most of our dice have a shield side). With the current meta Docking Bay - Finalizer is probably a better battlefield cause of the discard and support hate.

Three-Dice-Thunder!!! 47

Is isolation over mislead better? Maybe not?!

Razelll 244

@Three-Dice-Thunder!!! Yep, Isolation is better. The spot blue doesn't matter, because they should go after Thrawn - Master Strategist first, and if they go after Snoke - Supreme Leader first, that is good for you.

D4rthCaedus 243

@Razelll yeah you're definitely right, and perhaps an early Isolation might influence them ever so slightly to go for Snoke which would be great ;)

Razelll 244

@D4rthCaedus So why do you have Mislead instead of Isolation then?

D4rthCaedus 243

@Razelll this is just what I played that day, I threw it together the night before at Midnight, played it twice for practice, then brought it to the event. Probably far from optimized, and I definitely make no claims that it is, so I appreciate everyone's ideas and feedback (thanks @Three-Dice-Thunder!!!) I'll be either commenting or posting a new list once I've solidified a newer more "optimized" list :)

AlreadyPicked 14

As I Have Foreseen might be good for Thrawn - Master Strategist ability, no?

D4rthCaedus 243

@AlreadyPicked that's very true, but I rarely had an issue getting something out of their hand, and most of the benefit of that card can be accomplished with good understanding of the decks you're likely to see, which are the kinds of decks you'll probably be playing against as you win more games and get matched against competitive lists. I'd rather have a removal or a combo piece in my hand as they'd benefit me more than making my Thrawn pick 100% optimized. A very sincere THANK YOU for chiming in!!!! :)

MaimVoorhees 99

Did you add the Fang Fighters and flames of the past? I’m thinking of taking a Snoke Thrawn deck to my SC.

D4rthCaedus 243

@MaimVoorhees after testing I didn't like Flames and am currently running ARCs instead of Fang, since discard can be brutal and it has more damage sides anyways. I'll be posting an updated decklist today (linked from this one) which I think is definitively better than this one, though only probably 6 cards are changed :)