Luke-Lobot: Return of the Jedi. Input welcome!

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Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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LukePM1776 99

Obviously, RotJ Luke is not broken good and therefore never going to be a tier one option; however, I enjoy this particular deck.

Probably the most questionable reform I made was removing Force Illusion for Defensive Position. Force Illusion is probably better, but I hate milling myself and I'm trying to play around my cards better.

Most would probably include 2x C-3PO because he is better than R2, but I like R2 so I play one each. You want Lobot's special and Lightsaber special and because if the game goes long, C-3PO can turn your aggro deck into a mill deck.

Rend is a must include if you want to have a fighting chance against RI, Sith Holocron, or mill decks. Every meta viable deck has a card vulnerable to Rend.

I think the rest is self-explanatory. Would love comments or criticisms.

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