Riding Dirty

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Riding Dirty 0 0 0 1.0
Ispiratore di
Riding Dirty 0 0 0 3.0

Porg_FriedRice 27

This deck centers around vehicles and supports. The key to this deck is to get Tech Team in your first hand so that all your subsequent supports cost less to play. It is really good to resolve any resource sides as soon as possible because resources are key to this decks success. One of the coolest combos I have found with this deck is playing Imperial Backing when you have two Tech Team out. If you play Imperial Backing for 2 and then tap both Tech Team, you can play 5 cost or less supports for free and 6 cost supports for 1. It is a great way to get out your heavy hitters cheap. Also, Tactical Mastery is great to use when you have Partnership, Deploy Squadron, or All In in your hand. The most important thing to remember is that your vehicle/support dice are the most important on the field, so General Veers - Field Commander action is crucial to use. Truce and Prepare for War are good ways to get some extra resources. I added Guavian Enforcer so that I can get Slave I and Quadjumper as well as better removal options.

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