To defeat an enemy, you must know them (with guide)

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eThrawn / eUnkar Vehicle deck 0 0 0 1.0
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To defeat an enemy, you must know them (with detailed guide) 36 29 11 3.0

krez 623

Hey, you! Looking for a deck to utilize those LR1K Sonic Cannon's you just pulled and the AT-ST's that have been sitting in your binder? Look no further!

This is a control deck that revolves around getting your artillery down and wreaking havoc with it. Hitting your opponent for 15-18 damage with Salvo or 7-9 with Ruthless Tactics is as satisfying as it sounds. Now let's dive in to how the deck operates.

Your mulligan priority:

1) Hound's Tooth - Great die for the cost, and it helps with the consistency of Pinned Down if you get it early. Also keeps you alive longer with the "Dug In" side.

2) Imperial Inspection and Salvage Stand - Until I encounter Rend in every deck, these are cards you're always happy to see in your mulligan.

3) Chance Cube - This card is really great in this deck. Paying the 1 resource to keep it usually doesn't matter. Hitting a natural 3 is the jackpot. But, in most cases, you'll use Thrawn's sides to get the value out of it.

4) LR1K Sonic Cannon or AT-ST - It's not uncommon for you to get enough resources to drop one of these round 1.

5) Dice mitigation cards (Electroshock, He Doesn't Like You, One-Quarter Portion).

Starting the game, you are probably going to win the battlefield roll off. While the shields are nice, you typically want to choose your battlefield. Going first allows you to activate Thrawn - Master Strategist before your opponent can do anything, allowing you to get rid of the cards they sought after in their mulligan.

Overall, one of the trickier parts about playing this deck is choosing the number after activating Thrawn. It is highly situational, so there is no hard and fast rule. I generally ask myself "What's the worst card he could (realistically) have that I want to see in the discard pile?"

For early game, some cards to consider:

The other bonus of calling 0 is that it leaves the more expensive cards in their hand for Unkar Plutt - Junk Dealer to feast on. A case could be made for the call of 2 to look for ambush weapons when playing against characters like Rey - Force Prodigy or Cad Bane - Vicious Mercenary.

Later in the game, especially when I have LR1K Sonic Cannon or AT-ST out, I often call 1 to look for dice mitigation cards:

Other game changing / powerful cards to remember:

The other challenging part of this deck is planning your actions and resources a few turns ahead in order to best anticipate what your opponent might do. The strength of this deck is honestly only as good as you are at knowing your opponent's game plan.

I've seen mostly Mill decks as the primary archetype for Thrawn/Unkar, but I think this deck can definitely be powerful when piloted correctly. I will be tweaking this deck for awhile as the EaW meta develops.

Cards I may consider:

  • Rend - This is solid card, but I think it's mostly a meta call. Besides, I can get rid of those 0 cost cards by activating Thrawn.
  • The Best Defense... - Since Unkar is usually targeted first, this is a good early game removal option. But Pinned Down is better once a vehicle is out.
  • Doubt - I love this card and think it's underrated but at eight dice mitigation cards, it was hard to fit. Might consider swapping it for Pinned Down, but now that I have 2x Hound's Tooth, Pinned Down is better.
4 commenti

Deep83 1

hello, is this again unkar thrawn mill?

krez 623

@Deep83 Nope, you win by killing your opponents characters with your big supports. I can typically kill 1 character by round 3, or round 2 if I get lucky. That's a bit slow, but with all the control and mitigation in this deck, you can usually stay alive long enough.

corncobswipe 7

Love this. Been working on a version myself, yours is a lot better. What do you think of the utility of some of the lesser supports (Droid Army/AT-DP/etc) in the deck? I've used quadjumper in mine before, I like using its focus sides too much.

krez 623

@corncobswipe I actually started with AT-DP but realized I wasn't getting much value out of it. Same with Quadjumper, at most I was getting 1-2 die resolutions out of it before discarding for something else. That was one of the last cards cut, as I felt I really needed Coercion for the strong tempo swing it can have. I'm currently testing out -1 Personal Shield for +1 Slave I (to draw it more consistently).