This Feels Like Cheating...

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superabsurd 354

Step one is getting all the money using Thrawn - Master Strategist. Imperial Discipline is a must on him as soon as you pull it for a guaranteed (removal notwithstanding) 2 Resources per turn. Use his focus sides to focus Phasma into money during the first and second turns as well unless you pulled a Holdout Blaster, whose only real purpose is to be a stepping stone to something greater. You need 13 resources total for both T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle and either a Captain Phasma's Blaster or a Rocket Launcher, which is our ideal loadout for Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician. Feint in Thrawn twice, making note of what they have so you can keep track of it for removal next turn, and possible the turn after depending on how many cards they go through that turn.

Combine all these resource heavy cards with Imperial HQ and Thrawn constantly making it rain and you've got more damage than you know what to do with, most of which will cost you nothing. We also have Armored Support for a free reroll on any of our red dice, which is clutch when it comes to the T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle due to it being almost entirely damage sides. Use Undying Loyalty to stay healed up as much as possible, always keeping it on top of your deck for a guaranteed health each turn for only one Resource cost.

If you get Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician fully kitted out feel free to throw the other Rocket Launcher onto Thrawn for funsies, which also sets him up to finish your opponent off when they realize Phasma is the real threat and needs to die first. When her rifle Redeoplys over to Thrawn, either overwrite Imperial Discipline or a Holdout Blaster and start doing as much damage as you can.

Despite Thrawn - Master Strategist, Feint and Probe keeping their hand milled, this deck is lacking the one thing that mono-red doesn't really have access an abundance of, which is solid, consistent removal. Yes, The Best Defense... can come in clutch, helping you take a considerably lower amount of damage in key moments, but realistically the only dice removal this deck has other than that are Suppression, Doubt and Recon (which here we are using to turn an additional die to a blank, forcing a reroll and milling their hand a bit more).

Overall, I've been having a really great time with this deck. I traditionally don't play very aggro decks, generally finding myself a fan of mill and control decks, but using Thrawn - Master Strategist in conjunction with Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician creates a terrific balance mill/control and damage which makes their pairing very appealing.

17 commenti

stranglebat 832

How Fast are you trying to be? Riot Baton maybe worth it if you aren't claiming as it seems like loaded phasma going down could seriously harm your game plan

superabsurd 354

@stranglebat I play the deck very slowly. I am almost looking forward to my opponent claiming my battlefield so I get initiative next turn. Gotta love Medical Center! Basically, slow and steady wins the gun fight. With Phasma alone gully kitted out she can output 17 to 19 damage a round. After her death Thrawn can still output upwards of 10 damage a turn with the superfluous Rocket Launcher, a Phasma's redeployed blaster and a Holdout, or a damn near guaranteed 7 if you keep the Imperial Discipline on him in lieu of the Holdout.

The deck is fairly consistent in my playtesting. I've only been using it on TTS at the moment but will be getting some real world experience this coming weekend. So far up against EmoKids, eOldRey/Wookiee Warrior/Wookiee Warrior, ePalp (twice), ePhasma/eNewKylo, that batshit insane eHera/eMaz/Rookie Pilot deck and a Sabine/Rebel Trooper I've only lost one game (it was to the vehicle deck, Jesus that thing can put out some damage). I'm sure those decks weren't crazy optimized but that's a decent record. I feel like the one lyrics reason I lost the vehicle game was because I never pulled a single T-7 which was a bummer, but the game was pretty close with double Rocket Launcher and Phasma's Blaster on Phasma. They focused Thrawn first as well, which only one other person did (the second Palpatine game) and it really does put a damper on your ability to focus dice and build your Scrooge McDuck money pit, but it's far from the end of the world.

I feel like if I could put two Medical Droids and Field Medic into this deck it would be damn near unstoppable.

Rhinospidercat 14

This deck is everything I wanna do in Destiny :D

Ion87 25

Nice looking deck! This looks more fun compared to Thrawn-kar. Any good subs for T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifles? I don't even have 1 unfortunately.

Dave Sharona 601

The point here is that Thrawn is a beast in all situations and should never be trifled with.

I hope this list wins all of the things

Dave Sharona 601

@Ion87 you could always use LR1K Sonic Cannon

Tacster 683

I had a deck like this in mind myself. Sounds like it could be a lot of fun!

Krazed 7

You might consider running AT-DP so you have access to Pinned Down and also get rid of any pesky low cost supports.

Datoneguy760 2

@superabsurdOnly thing I see wrong is your assumption that them claiming the battlefeld gives you the start next turn. All battlefield claims are a "may" aspect. They dont have to heal. And if they don't heal, you dont get the battlefield back. Otherwise the deck is nice.

gang leader 8

awesome deck m8 I think T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle

is good for this

BergerFett 1

how would you feel about dropping 2 launchers for 2 Riot batons and swapping phasma for FN-2199. you have the resources to hotswap upgrades.

barrinmstr 7

@BergerFett I was JUST thinking of that. Getting all of the money from Thrawn - Master Strategist and firing up the guns multiple times on FN-2199 - Loyal Trooper seems brutal.

happyfaceonfire 1

@BergerFett``@barrinmstrI was thinking about FN since I dont have the two player game (or 2 of them for that mattter for Ephasma).

I pulled a T-7 Ion Disruptor Rifle and I was hoping to use it somehow lol.

Shaadea 1

Did you try Leadership? A fully kitted Phasma should be worth to have her activated a second time with Thrawn, especially if opponent claims soon to deny you the claim...

superabsurd 354

@Shaadea I considered it but I've NEVER gotten off a successful Leadership in any deck before. I might just be scared of it at this point.

Porg_FriedRice 27

@superabsurd How has the deck been running? Still having luck with it in your games? Curious as to how it plays. My meta isn't super top tier deck heavy so I think this would be an awesome and unique deck to try out.

darinwalker 1

Well so much for this deck being viable... My second Thrawn was in the mail. Damn it.