Vilain Special Deck

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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nickthebug7777 1381

This deck mainly focuses on the Emperor's Throne Room battlefield. This does mean that if your opponent wins the roll off at the beginning of the game and choses their battlefield you are at a significant disadvantage (if you have any suggestions regarding how to fix this they would be appreciated).

The battlefield is the main focus of the deck because of its ability which allows you to play a special ability of your choosing after you've claimed it. This makes Speeder Bike Scout a fantastic card to have because it means you can remove an opponents die and then take another action after having claimed the battlefield. This means you can claim the battlefield earlier than you normally would have.

Other cards like Commanding Presence, Force Choke, Force Throw, Force Training, IQA-11 Blaster Rifle, Kylo Ren's Lightsaber, and Mind Probe were added because claiming the battlefield will allow you to inflict damage on your opponents characters. They also add an insane amount of dice which means your bound to have a special or a damage in your pool at any point in the game.

AT-ST was added because removing an opponents support is an insane ability and the card also has huge range damage numbers.

Supporting Fire and Power of the Dark Side were added because they add yet more attacking power.

Abandon All Hope and [Disturbance in the Force(/card/01146) were added because they throw off your opponent and keep them from focusing on their own game plan.

Closing the Net was added because it pairs well with Speeder Bike Scout and can be played after it. This card also adds itself back into your deck so you protect slightly against mill decks.

Finally, Endless Ranks was added so that you can bring your stormtroopers back if they are killed.

This should be a very useful and effective deck especially if you can use the Emperor's Throne Room battlefield. Its few shortcomings include: very few ways in which to get resources (though many are needed) and too many upgrades (there are 14 upgrade dice but only 9 can be played on 3 characters). There are also very few events but this is probably not a major issue.

Please leave any criticisms or questions in the comments. I love debate about games and I'm open to new opinions. Thanks for reading. -NickTheBug7777

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