Unkar's Misfits

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Unkar's Misfits 19 14 5 1.0
Ispiratore di
Unkar's Misfits 1 1 0 1.0

Temelin 197

Edit 5/23/17: Took out a Salvage Stand for a Prized Possession to help with the Poe Maz Matchup.

3-1 at a 11 player tournament.

4-0 at a 64 player tournament. (Monday nights at Fantasy Flight are 4 rounds of swiss no matter how many players.)

Check out the Destiny Council on YouTube.

Our first podcast at: http://swdestiny.com/brand-new-star-wars-destiny-podcast-destiny-council/

And a short deck tech for this deck at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZtJUc9qg58&t=29s

Also find the article on SWDestiny.com: http://swdestiny.com/unkars-misfits/

1 commento

stranglebat 832

ok so i have been testing this post errata and i think this is really strong. its natural predator poe has become more controllable and with fn meta on the rise disarm confiscation and inspection are brutal.

Would you revert the change back to salvage stand or do you think the deck is happier with prized in that slot. the only other flexible spots i feel are hunker downs and con artist which are all great but maybe not needed or as useful depending on the meta.

it definately isn't the easiest deck to play though. took me a while to get my head around the sequencing you can easily stuff yourself by inspecting at the wrong time