ePhasma/Guavian/Trooper ("PG-13") by the Ready to Role blog.

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

FRFC3S 159

Check out my articles over at Ready to Role

The first thing I noticed on the day that the Dutch spoilers of Spirit of Rebellion were leaked, being the brain-dead individual that I am, was that Guavian Enforcer was the same cost as one-die Bala-Tik - Gang Leader. Ever since that day, I have been working on this deck. I'm sure that I'm not the only one toying with this build so I'm not worried about giving away any "secret sauce." Especially since it has been like 4 days since the meta started. This deck will shortly either evolve and adapt to the meta or be rendered unplayable.

During the Awakenings meta, Captain Phasma - Elite Trooper/Bala/First Order Stormtrooper was often referred to as "PBT." Without Bala and with Guavian, the acronym has become PGT. However, much like a PG-13 Michael Bay Transformers or Marvel movie, this deck provides solid action yet leaves suspiciously few dead bodies laying around on-screen.

Unlike PBT, this deck has TWO Guardians a la Phasma's text. This gives us twice the amount of free "soft" removal per turn. This is "soft" removal in the sense that it alters the opponent's target priority, but they still get to deal the damage. Your opponent will be frustrated by the fact that they have dealt 14 damage without having defeated a single character. This buys you time to find that 1x Endless Ranks. With this additional removal, the 30 card deck is free to run "silver bullets," or 1x copies of situational cards.

Many are worried that the SoR meta is going to destroy the game because it is so fast. Fear not, you're the Butterbean of this format. You're slow as molasses and just take a bunch of punches to the face while waiting for the perfect time to counter-attack and defeat a weakened character in one All In, Tactical Mastery, or Battle Formation blow.

You'll also notice a distinct lack of Hunker Down and Dug in. I prefer not to have 1/8th of my deck be dead cards in the Mill/Vibroknife meta.

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