This Bounty Hunter is my kind of scum, fearless and inventiv

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

talism 36

This deck works around using Jango Fett explosiveness with Jabba the Hutt consistency.

All of Jango Fett dice sides are relevant in this deck. Using either the money control and build to a Crime Lord Or his damage to burst down a character.

Fun plays are Prized Possession a characters Dice, to later over write with a Crime Lord and put a price on there head.

Cards ive tried and taken out are Thermal Detonator. 2nd Reversal. Disarm.

Datapad, is one i keep going back to, the money is good and the special is good, but card slots are tight.

My Kind of Scum is the original reason i made the deck, but always gets cut before hitting the table.

Ace in the Hole could be a 1 off, but allows a 2 to be amazing with Jango Fetts free activation.

The is the card that gets changed the most, i love Emperor's Throne Room but it has the potential to back fire.

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