In Soviet Russia Balas Tik you! (back 2 back tournament winn

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In Soviet Russia Balas Tik you! (back 2 back tournament winn 58 43 15 1.0
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aesopsphere 310

Version 2.0: Added hunker down for increased synergy with nightsister. Took out 1 speeder bike scout. I realized you only have 1 3 cost support out a game if any and you could slim a damage support out. Took out 1 isolation and added 1 electroshock due to nightsister focus most games. Took out rebel war room due to helping opponent's jango/veers decks function and less claims due to hunker down.

This deck won a 6 player tournament at Maximum Comics in Henderson, NV on 1/18/17 and won a 10 player tournament at Power 9 games in North Las Vegas, NV on 1/19/17. In the 7 games I played in 2 days I only had 3 characters die.

The character setup is nothing new but I saw similar decks playing cards like Jetpack and promotion. These characters can die way to fast for me to justify wasting resources on them. I included 2 upgrades with redeploy and the DH-17 was cheap enough to not bother losing as well as supports that deal reliable damage.

The deck is all about messing with your opponents dice with events and nightsister. It also has a nice resource curve. The way you mulligan is extremely important. You don't want any supports in your opening hand and at least one weapon upgrade. If you pull a redeploy weapon you want to only have at best 1 total 1 cost event card in your hand. If you get a dh-17 you can keep multiple 1 cost. The best defense is the best event to have in your opening hand because against a lot of decks that can flat out shut their first turn down. Load up your opening weapons on bala-tik. Your opponents have a hard decision to make to focus a loaded up bala or a nightsister.

Be careful using the card squad tactics because if you use it sweep the area and flank may become dead cards. To be honest most of the time I used squad tactics I was looking for resources.

Claiming rebel war room caught a lot of my opponents by surprise with damage I did not have to pay for. Sometimes it is better to claim and resolve a damage than it is to play all your dice.

Some people may be thinking "where is electroshock?" I figured most opponents would focus bala-tik first. Some did and some focused night sister. A future version might have 1 isolation 1 electroshock.

4 commenti

somedestinynoob 1

Played this deck at a tournament and went 4-2(losses from vader/raider and quigon/Rey), making the cut, where I was destroyed 0-2 by a Vader raider deck. I had a lot of problems focusing Vader down fast enough before he got an insane amount of dice to roll out and kill me. It's a fun deck though, and i definitely want to test it more against Vader/raider

BigDaddyGoblyn 301

I am curious if you have considered Blaster Rifle, and if you did and chose against, what was you reasoning?

aesopsphere 310

funny you mention it I played all four of my games against vaider/raider the 2nd tournament this won.

aesopsphere 310

@BigDaddyGoblynit is 2 expensive to justify putting on a chartacter with less than 10 health. That is why i have damage supports