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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
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Sped Red 2 2 8 1.0
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Non ancora.

Hennessy 40

The whole purpose of the deck is to roll every turn exactly the result you want. Consistently. EVERY GAME, EVERY TURN. Keep random results for casino, thank you very much. If your opponent does not have die mitigation, he lost the game. This is also pretty strong meta against Jango/Veers, most probably the best you can face him with. It is on par with strong build of Luke/Ackbar, however I find this more consistent and faster.

Basically, you need two things. Cheap upgrades, preferably red ranged, and focus sides. Thats it.

Gameplay is fun. You have to play aggressively. I prefer to be second for two shields on Ackbar, but it depends on opponents location and deck.

Basically you have 4 dice, where your requested result is 2x 2damage for free on Leia Organa and 1damage + 2focus on Admiral Ackbar. Only thing you really need from this are 2 focus and anything else from the selection, than you can adapt and have a result of 5 damage. Every turn without any need for resource or upgrades and believe me, you can bet on that you will get this almost 100% times after rerolls.

Your are looking for two cards for turn one: DH-17 Blaster Pistol and Promotion. Any of these is fine, two of them are bingo. There is also pretty heavy combo with Rearm with Promotion and any other upgrade in your opening hand. You will not see it often, but when it hits, you will feel satisfied (in example Promotion + DH-17 to overwrite + Rearm + Promotion results in 2 card draws, two upgrades with two dice on the table and all for one resource). Tier 2 cards in opening hand are Holdout Blaster, Comlink and Survival Gear, any of these are still handy but not optimal.

Good opening hand will result in A) gun on the table = very possible 7 damage output in turn 1if your opponent is not ready to remove your dice or B) one more dice with focus side on the table pumping the possibility of getting requested roll to almost certainty. Almost every card you do not play turn 1 should be used for reroll until you get requested result. Reroll every die except those, that are already on requested sides. You have something like 95% to hit the optimal results, unless your opponent starts to play defensively and mitigate your play.

Repeat the same for turn two. Without mitigation you should be able to deal from 11 to 15 damage together during turn 1+2 resulting most probably in death of opponents character. It can be race against JangoVeers, but you have better starting position because A) Its a Trap B) they do not have focus and therefor are reliant on rng rolls and C) if you result in 3-4 remaining life on Jango on the end of turn 1, you can try to kill that mthfckr with hit and run should you have a gun on Leia. Still, you can lose when he god rolls all three activations (Jango and Veers turn 1 and Jango turn 2).

You can slow down in turn 3. Try to keep Ackbar alive, he is the man in this deck. If Leia is targeted first, better for you. Since the point you have at least one bonus die with focus on the table and one gun so you are able to get out 7 damage per turn consistently, you can start defending with Defensive Position / Block / Dodge or Comlink or go crazy with more upgrades and 10+ damage.

If your opponent is not interfering your game, you will deal 20-25 damage until the end of turn 3. Even against heavy dice mitigation, you will still deal solid damage to kill one of their characters in turn 3. Not to mention All In and Its a Trap, which are instant resolutions. Your biggest enemy is Dodge, be aware of the opponent who is holding 2 resources, it will slow you by one turn.

Block, Dodge and Natural Talent is somehow tradable for something else, however I found these to be really handy and game changing. Block and Dodge usually stops opponent for 1 turn saving you 4+ health and even with no resource, you can still do at least 5 damage during that turn. Natural talent is expensive, but it can help you to get that last damage out either through improving focus or damage (and potentially also discard when opponent has only 2 cards in hand).

Survival Gear will help you keep the characters alive from turn 3 onwards, plus it has focus plus it can help you deal the last damage. It costs 2, so you can overwrite it with Comlink when you desperately need to reroll opponents dice and you are on 0 resources. It can be played back by Rearm. And it is by far superior to Scout which is too slow and does not del damage or shields.

Battleground is interchangeable between Rebel War Room (does nothing for you but also against you Imperial Armory(sometimes useful but will help heavily to Jango Veers and some others) and Separatist Base. Never ever play Frozen Wastes!

Try this, I believe it is one of the most underestimated decks and Ackbar is the beast. You will not understand how good this heavy focus deck is, until you try it and experience the "I do not care about lucky rolls" feeling.

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