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Modificato ed adattato a SW Destiny da fafranco82.
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Le informazioni presenti in questo sito riguardo Star Wars Destiny, sia letterali che grafiche, sono coperti dal diritto d'autore a favore della Fantasy Flight Games. Questo sito non è prodotto, avvallato, sostenuto, o affiliato alla Fantasy Flight Games.
I love the idea of Grievous w/ a Gaffi Stick. This deck has a lot of modifier sides and a mix of damage symbols, which could make some dice difficult to resolve. I think it might be difficult to keep Commanding Presence on the board for very long since Grievous will be the primary target. This deck really benefits when you take out an opposing character - maybe swap out some of the control cards like Scramble with more damage sources like F-11D Rifle or Infantry Grenades?