Progetto originale di Alsciende (NetrunnerDB and ThronesDB).
Modificato ed adattato a SW Destiny da fafranco82.
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Le informazioni presenti in questo sito riguardo Star Wars Destiny, sia letterali che grafiche, sono coperti dal diritto d'autore a favore della Fantasy Flight Games. Questo sito non è prodotto, avvallato, sostenuto, o affiliato alla Fantasy Flight Games.
Hi my friend. So... this deck has two problems: the wookies warriors NEED focus, and even when their dice are in damage, they NEED resources. Also, with only one side of Tarful's dice with focus, the control of this wild wookies becomes terrible. The better field is Military Camp - Kaller, because the yellow ones are also troopers. Then, try to put elite Admiral Ackbar - Perceptive Tactician instead Tarfful, and cards like Commando Raid and Close Quarters Assault to have another way to victory. Probably it will be more fun, i guess.