ePhasma3/Sentinel - 4-3 @ Prime Championship GvC Southampton

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

man_utdmasta 26

Prime Championship at University of Southampton as part of the Gaming vs Cancer charity event.

  1. eCaptain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician/eIG-88 - Single-Minded - Loss, IG power actions and Pulse Cannon put in work

  2. Thrawn - Grand Admiral/Sentinel Messenger/Greedo - Unlucky Mercenary - Loss, eventual winner of the event, Superlaser Siege Cannon puts in work

  3. eThrawn - Grand Admiral/Sentinel Messenger - Win

  4. eJango Fett - Armed To The Teeth/eCaptain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician - Win

  5. eThrawn - Grand Admiral/Tobias Beckett - Thief For Hire - Loss

  6. Doctor Aphra - Artifact Hunter/Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman/Sentinel Messenger - Win

  7. eThrawn - Grand Admiral/Enfys Nest's Marauder + Armored Reinforcement - Win

Overall, unlucky in a few games to not get the cards I needed. Quicksilver Baton and Sniper Team didn't do much and should be replaced with Imperial Officer. Focused Fire was a game winner multiple times though

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