Old Flames - Han4/Qira/Double Down - Ambush Guns!

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Scarletasterisk 296

Fun thematic pairing which might just be good?

Preliminary testing going well, despite creating some NPE's. Deck has the feeling of old-school Sabine with the added benefit of having two star-crossed lovers to balance things out. Winning the roll-off and taking Mean Streets is certainly ideal allowing a set-up for big event plays with Closing the Deal, Support of the Tribe, Conveyex Robbery, Convergence, and Entangle. 6 Ambush guns provide ample opportunity for Quick draw splash-damage-magic plays.

We'll see how goes as testing moves along. Off the bat, I'm worried to play any deck with Iden and curious if this can punch through enough damage to chew through shields. Thoughts always appreciated!

1 commento

Scarletasterisk 296

OK, first major edit: Dropped Double Down + the 3rd copy of Ordnance Launcher and Quick Draw for Taking Ground and threw in 2 copies of Drop In, seems to flow better now! Considering dropping Token Of Affection for a second copy of Han Solo's Dice as well.