ChirpNass Ewoks

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
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treygosfa 287

Chirpin' ass ewoks! I love Boss Nass's ability, I love ewoks, and most of all, I love jank! This deck is just a ton of fun, and can really bring the pain at times. 28 starting health (when you include Chirpa's bonus Ewok) is nothing to sneeze at either. I like the combinations of Net Trap, Suppressive Fire, and Improvised Defense to help combat some of the trickier activation trigger decks around. There is also nothing more fun than a Rigged Detonation for usually 3-4 dmg, followed by the opponent using their resources, followed by Ewok Ambush, followed by Glider Attack. Just so much fun. Also several close games have ended with an Ewok Ambush into Boss Nass activation, with no chance for the opponent to respond to the potential 5 indirect damage with no resolving required!

3 commenti

Fluff 15

I like this. They can't stop blanks when Nass rolls in and then they have to choose to remove Nass' dice or save $$ to pay for Chirpas special. In this case why not use single die Nass + AoN and add a 3rd EWarrior prior to setup. Then add some weapons like Grievous blaster for Nass and the little furballs :)

Fluff 15

Also consider Diplomatic Protection, Near Miss, Encircle, Support of the Tribe, Instigate, and Kinship

treygosfa 287

Hey @Fluff, glad you like it! I personally just love Boss Nass die and ability combo so much that I always try to play him elite, but I have looked at other configurations to start with even more health. The cards you listed have mostly been in and out of the deck. Support of the Tribe just never seemed to come at the right time and/or was too expensive. Chief Chirpa's Hut is often a trap card IMO and I will probably replace it. I like Diplomatic Protection for that slot. Near Miss and Encircle kinda fell into the same category as Support of the Tribe, for me, and I ended up replacing them with Garbage Chute, Improvised Defense, and Net Trap to similarly remove multiple dice and the triggered removal fun, but would definitely be better if the character lineup was reconfigured with a single die Nass. I also just looooove Boomas, way too much for any rational person, so I can't ever bring myself to cut them for what are probably better cards! :D