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Dice of Failure 822

Watto - Stubborn Gambler has found his most sure bet. Counting characters only, no other partner gives Watto a 66% chance of success. If Maul - Skilled Duelistwas a casino game, he'd have the best odds.

With yellow bringing money to the table, you can more easily afford some hot ticket items like Darksaber and Vader's Fist, while still taking advantage of all the great combos Maul provides. Conflicted getting better odds than Vader, using Maul's PA to hit big modifier sides on Maul's Lightsaber and Darth Vader's Lightsaber, and compounding that damage with Fear and Dead Men.

I haven't yet tested this version out, but I'm definitely curious about it. The gambling aspect with Maul is intriguing and seems like it could have a really high ceiling.

Let me know what you think!

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