Ventress and Opress

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
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Ventress and Opress 0 0 0 1.0
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Non ancora.

Buffybot 323

This deck goes for consistent melee damage, amplified by events.

Both characters have a 1-cost 3 melee side for Fear and Dead Men.

You're very likely to be able to play Lightsaber Throw.

The deck is almost all blue for No Mercy.

Conflicted is likely to cause damage when you reroll Savage, with his 4 damage sides.

Forbidden Lore makes your upgrades free, as they all cost 1.

Malice is not a great die, but is free with Forbidden Lore, and its two discard sides provide a good additional trigger for Dark Presence. Both characters also have a discard side for the basic trigger.

Wounded is there for Asajj's ability.

Close Quarters Assault provides excellent value with all the melee sides these two characters have.

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