Mind Games (Standard, Indirect) Convergence Updated

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Mind Games (Indirect) Convergence Updated 0 0 0 3.0
Ispiratore di
Mind Games: Entourage Edition 0 0 0 1.0

nonameface 197

More Convergence Changes:
I stopped trying to get cute and streamlined the deck a little more.
-2 Sonic Detonators
-2 Moxie
-1 On The Mark
-1 Flank

+2 T-16 Skyhopper
+2 Laser Cannon
+2 Well-Connected

Added a reliable indirect engine to trigger the Scrap Heap with the T-16 Skyhopper / Laser Cannon combo. We usually don't have issues but now it should be automatic. Pile on the indirect!

Changes for Convergence:

+2 Moxie
+2 Sonic Detonators
+1 Hidden Motive
+1 On The Mark

-2 XS Stock Light Freighter
-2 Well-Connected
-2 Heightened Awareness

I removed the XS Stock Light Freighter because it was just too slow and I also removed Well-Connected. I figured the additional yoda special (or two) from a Moxie could make up for the resource generation. Also Moxie seems super good on Yoda - Wizened Master right?

Added Sonic Detonators for just a little more oompf. Stick them on whoever isn't being targetted and special chain into them with Yoda - Wizened Master and Moxie seems like a legit play. Once they're tapped for damage that 2 looks pretty juicy to focus into.

I'm not really sure if On The Mark is needed. If you like another card better that would probably be my first cut. I would still consider Pacify or Defensive Stance if you're looking for some more survival.

Battlefield: You can swap this for any that you like. Mostly I'm taking theirs if I win the roll because I want the shields. I rarely claim with this deck as I'm playing a lot of mitigation and control so battlefield doesn't matter to me.

Changes for WotF:
+2 N-1 Starfighter
-2 ETA-2 Interceptor

+2 Way of the Light
-2 The Force Is With Me

+2 XS Stock Light Freighter
-2 Bartering

Possible Additions:
Pacify, Dumb Luck, and Force Jump These are alright and you could tech them in as needed based on your play style.
Force Jump for some more control and soft removal.
Dumb Luck for a reroll and some damage out of hand -- you would use this if you had a few booma die in the pool as you're going to get a 50% of the time.
Pacify could replace Heightened Awareness if you're having trouble paying for it

WotF edit and discussion:
We didn't get much to help this deck in WotF, but we did get a little. We didn't get any character changes, no great support or upgrade additions, and very little blue/yellow removal (and certainly nothing as good as another Easy Pickings)

N-1 Starfighter is the best addition we got and it substitutes for the weaker ETA-2 Interceptor perfectly. The N-1 is great in this deck. You can ready a Falcon or Tank if you have it, but more importantly you can discard on of their vehicles to crush their ramp if you run into vehicles. This is an unintentional tech card against vehicle decks but we'll take that extra control. We are giving up 1 damage side, but getting a great and a 2 in exchange.

XS Stock Light Freighter in for Bartering -- We have some synergy here with the N-1 Starfighter which can ready this again and it has an 1/2 extra side since the + on Bartering may be hard to resolve sometimes.

Next change is taking the weaker The Force Is With Me and replacing it with the better Way of the Light. Both are still conditional removal, but Way of the Light has less conditions and you can remove and other deadly things like if you run into mill. Of course it will have to be villian or neutral, but there are lots of neutral dice you would want to remove.

Original Description:

The idea of this deck is to look like a mill deck when you sit down but really you're hitting them with a long control / indirect game.

If you opponent has a 2 wide deck with only ~20 HP or less indirect is very strong and makes for some very hard decisions. If they come at you with 3-wide we have [Force Wave](card/05057] to help deal with that, though you're playing it and dealing yourself the 1 damage if they only have 2 characters. I will trade a resource and 1 damage for 5 damage everyday.

Yoda - Wizened Master is a rockstar in this deck, try to keep him alive. His focus will fix your Runaway Boomas randomness, his resources will let you afford to play your Millennium Falcon and Pirate Speeder Tank. And his flexibility will win you games.

Jedha Partisan These guys are super fun. They're going to be milling your opponents deck every turn, and while this isn't a true win condition for this deck, it does put pressure and control onto their deck. These guys have a fair cost, good indirect damage, and most importantly they turn on your unfair cards like Easy Pickings They also make good fodder for Into The Garbage Chute Dont be afraid to exhaust one to remove 4 damage.

Runaway Boomas This card is a rockstar. You likely want to muligan for one of these. With Yoda's focus it make it totally worth it to power action out another dice. Make sure you're saving yoda's focus and specials to fix these dice. Make sure to play around easy pickings, its OK to slow play this deck.

Scrap Heap will ramp you resources. All 3 of your characters can mill from their deck so it doesn't matter who they kill, they can't turn this off. Once you have 1 of these down Yoda - Wizened Master can get you 2 resources with his special (Mill 1, scrap heap, + Take a resource).
Bartering is also in here for some resources with 2 resource sides and a modified it should generate alright, and the rest of its sides are all control so this card is stellar!

Weak cards / Unknowns
Well-Connected I like being able to pull a resource from my hand, I'm unsure if this is necessary. The Force Is With Me This is OK removal but I dont love it. There aren't many choices in Trilogies at the moment. This is probably replacable.

Last Thoughts

  • We only have 6 'damaging' supports and 2 'damaging' upgrades. This feels a little light. I'm not sure how to fix this with the current pool we have.
  • You probably wont claim, this deck plays best slow. Take the Shields if their battlefield isn't helping them too much or pretty neutral. Take yours only if they dont have a blue character to benefit from the shield.
  • Heightened Awareness vs Defensive Stance I'm not sure which of these is the best card in slot. Shields are super good in Trilogies, there isn't much to get damage under them so they're basically just free health.
  • You could substitute Jar Jar Binks - Clumsy Outcast for one of the Jedha Partisan if you want. If you do I would consider adding a Republic Cruiser. You can probably remove Bartering for the cruiser as they ultimately serve a similar purpose. Economy and focus. The cruiser is probably better in this build with the additional shields.

Your Thoughts?

5 commenti

gryff 1

Why did you take out Moxie and the Sonic Detonators? They look so good, didn't it work out?

nonameface 197

both are 'fine' but whoever they go on has a big target on their head suddenly and they don't stick around like a support. Just feels bad paying 3 to put down the upgrade and have it removed that same turn by some massive damage. Supports are just so much more efficient since they stick around until your last guy is gone.

Moxie was alright too but doesn't further the win condition very much. Its a 'fine' card, but I just wanted cards that helped me win. A loaded up Yoda - Wizened Master is a huge target and I like him sticking around as long as possible. Lots of people get super annoyed by the partisan milling that they target them first.

They are 'good' and you can absolutely play them if you want, they just didn't fit my play style. I'm not set on the T-16 Skyhopper / Laser Cannon thing yet though. Its worth investigating maybe replacing both T-16 Skyhopper's (since we have other vehicles the laser cannons could go on) with a 1-of Moxie and Sonic Detonators if they fit your flair.

gryff 1

Thanks for your answer!

gryff 1

Suggestion: How about changing the 2x laser cannon with 2x targeting astromech?This has so much damage potential, doesn't it?

nonameface 197

Sure give it a shot! If you're taking out the Laser Cannon you can also safely take out the T-16 Skyhopper as they won't do you any good with a Targeting Astromech attached. Replace with a vehicle of your choice (maybe ETA-2 Interceptor)!