Phasma/Veterans (Advanced Training)

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Caboose2630 79

I got the idea for this deck while thinking about Advanced Training, and how it really only gets used with Captain Phasma - Stormtrooper Commander for the most part. I don’t have that version of Phasma, but I DO have one of the old versions, Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician. So then I thought, what could I pair with her to make the most out of Advanced Training? Two Veteran Stormtroopers. They have a 1 ranged side, a 2 ranged side, a 3 indirect side, a resource side, and 2 blank sides. Those blanks are now 1 indirect. So that’s 5 damage sides plus a resource! Pretty solid. Plus they have 9 health each, plus Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician’s 10 health for a respectable health total of 28. I added lots of resource generating cards because this deck has a lot of weapons and almost no removal, so you want to get as much damage dealing stuff out as quickly as possible. Battlefield is Military Camp - Kaller because you can take full advantage of it. Roll in any 2 of your 3 characters, and reroll one of their dice. Then if you have a Wingman out, you can also activate your 3rd character all with one action. All of your weapons have redeploy, so no matter who they target you should be fine. Riot Shields are in there for a bit more survivability. Conscript Squad will activate alongside Captain Phasma - Ruthless Tactician, because she gained the Leader and Trooper subtypes. Reinforce because you have 2 of the same character, it’s basically 1 resource to be able to resolve a Veteran Stormtrooper die again, which is great cause it essentially has 5 damage sides. I added Promotions and Imperial Disciplines for extra dice and resource gen potential. Armored Support let’s you reroll a Veteran Stormtrooper die off of that 1 indirect blank for potentially an extra ping damage and a better side. Worst case scenario you still get 1 indirect off of a blank.

1 commento

Darth_Joe0822 115

Two events for removal? I would recommend The Best Defense... or Measure for Measure or Near Miss. Also, Intense Fire over Reinforce.