Mandalorian Protector of Hope

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Lucieaux96 19

This is a homebrew deck I built for a Trilogy tournament this saturday 5/18/19. There are two Electromagnetic Pulse in the deck because I am expecting to see a lot of General Grevious decks that day, however, for your own play I recommend switching Electromagnetic Pulse for Fresh Supplies as you have a very high chance of winning your battlefield and 1 fresh supplies is all you need to play your opening conscript or 1 cost removal. I will be playing double Fresh Supplies if I see a low number of Grevious decks before the tourney begins. Satine Kryze - Hope of Mandalore will also have a good chance of rolling a resource side if not her focus side should you need the resource.

If you can attach overkill as your first action in the second round with Fenn Rau - Mandalorian Protector power action, do so. When your opponent rolls out you can power action the Military Camp - Kaller and have Naboo Palace Guard take the damage while you roll out Fenn Rau - Mandalorian Protector with a 1/3 of a chance to roll 2 ranged on a die as well as Guard's 1/2 chance. If you're lucky, you will get the +3 ranged damage and begin to do some powerful damage. Hold Seize the Day for a following round so you can Seize the day into power action of the battlefield(which allows a reroll of a character dice) and use the second action to (if you have Instigate or you can just go ahead and resolve what you rolled out) Instigate Satine Kryze - Hope of Mandalore which allows you to reroll a dice AND she will roll out the 1 or 2 Conscript Squad you have out. With your 3rd bonus action, you will be able to resolve a potential 6 ranged dice. That number is including the double Conscript Squad

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