Wat/Watto/Nute - Villain Supports

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

chazz 157

3 commenti

daveydtd 23

I can't wait until someone breaks Allies of Necessity :D

chazz 157

Right!? There's got to be something crazy out there. This is probably not it but a bit of fun none the less. The aim was to build a list that quickly made up for the initial resource deficiency.

Fromper 130

I was thinking something similar, but with one die Tobias Beckett - Thief For Hire and only one die Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman and two die Watto - Stubborn Gambler. It's only 4 dice instead of 5 like yours, but it gets you 29 health, and Beckett's power action is a guaranteed resource.

It's also two scoundrels, so Entourage is a threat faster. My biggest problem is that I only own one of Entourage.

I was thinking more big, high powered supports instead of lots of smaller ones like you have, though. For instance, take out the Hired Muscles and put in Planetary Bombardment instead. With Wat Tambor - Techno Union Foreman letting you get an extra roll in each round, you want to use it on the biggest dice possible.