Pilot Entourage - eLando / eChewie

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Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Ramin2-D2 550

Did everyone see the Trailer for Star Wars Episode IX ? That clip of Lando and Chewbacca flying the Millenium Falcon started as the inspiration to this deck.

Lando as everyone already knows is a money-maker, and he's a Scoundrel. Which means Chewbacca can defend him with Guardian. This gives extra assurance that he will stick around long enough to generate a lot of cash. The game plan is to hard mulligan to try to find an Entourage. Within the first round, play Entourage, find the second Entourage, play it, and then find either a Fickle Mercenary or Hired Muscles and play it. (yes the it's missing from the list, since it's technically not legal yet, i would probably remove an Anakin Podracer and a Starviper for them).

Starting in the first round, if an Entourage hits a special, that's a threat of 5 damage. The key is to drop in any other Scoundrel supports as well. Chewbacca can stick around long enough, and both he and Lando are Scoundrels as well. Not to mention late game, start rerolling for damage rather than resources, if Lando is still around. The meanwhile, Chewbacca should have been doing some damage, and if he is around late game, he'll be hitting hard.


2 commenti

General Vatutin 26

Hey Ramin2-D2, if you could add infinite cards to make this build better, what are some changes you would make? I am building some life long decks and would be honored to have your input on what could make this tier 1.5 or better. Clearly second chance. What else. Tx in advance.

Ramin2-D2 550

@General Vatutin honestly decklists seem pretty solid as is. optional inclusions I've thought of for Infinite are: Life Debt, to move more damage to Chewie. Second Chance, yes obviously best yellow card. Lone Operative is a decent card for healing, but maybe not. Hyperspace is optional, i havent tested enough against Infinite decks to see if this is really fast enough. and there are a lot of better battlefield choices.