5 die RexSatine (w/ AoN)

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5 die RexSatine (w/ AoN) 1 1 0 2.0

maxwell9999 38

I have been thinking about this pairing for a while now after facing an eRex/CT/Maz (old standard) at the first regional I went to that was good and fun.

AoN: Why run this instead of just 1 die Satine? Well, this deck can survive the 1 discard and makes resources fairly well. Big benefits of a five die start are the ability to Vandalize bigger supports if necessary and you are much more likely to win the battlefield. (NOTE: SWDestinyDB says AoN is unreleased and won't let me publish with it in the decklist).

Objective: Get tons of dice in the pool so your opponent can't mitigate all of them, plus get enough rerolls to deal with variance.

How: Hard mulligan for Rex's Blaster Pistol or other 2 cost weapon plus Fresh Supplies or Logistics. Usually 5 die will win the battlefield but if not, it's not too bad. Ideally, Military Camp - Kaller let's you activate either Rex and Satine (leaders) or Rex and the Clone (Troopers) and then reroll a Rex die that missed. Then Satine or the CT give's you a second reroll. First turn I usually activate Satine first to hit a resource side so you can get at least one weapon or conscript troopers out. Even with AoN this is usually possible. Once you have Rex's Blaster down you can activate all your characters at once with Millitary camp and then get 3 rerolls, a trooper die, CT's character die reroll, and Satine's any of your dice reroll. This can put 6-10 dice in your pool at once! This means later rounds your focus is roll in the 8 or so dice you have at once, then resolve in 1-2 turns, then focus and spend all resources on mitigation/staying alive. Even though you can't end rounds like you used to be able to, you should be able to keep tempo against almost any deck.

Additional cards/changes I'm considering:

  • Camouflaged Rifle: A solid upgrade in this deck since you will always have the battlefield.
  • Sieze the Day: Let you resolve immediately after a huge roll out.
  • Instigate: Seems good but this deck already has a ton of activation.
  • Smuggler's Run: Could be ok to roll out Satine and generate another resource.
  • Intense Fire: Might help in the damage race a bit. This deck's ceiling of damage/round is not that high.
  • Field Medic/First Aid: could replace some mitigation.
  • Jyn Erso's Blaster: This is a good gun but I have a hard time playing it, I'd almost always rather play a 2 cost and have more money for mitigation.
  • Scruffy Looking Nerf-Herder: Could be good in some matchups, but the best round to play it, round 1, I am usually just barely able to get enough resources for a gun and that's after a couple turns so not as useful as it could be.

Overall power level thoughts: This deck struggles against some T1 decks like shadowcaster variants and other decks that are able to get consistent damage across a lot of dice. It really shines against decks that rely on relatively few hard hitting dice like a Vader deck. It also fares pretty well against mill because once you have your couple upgrades down, you can basically sit on your hand and make them work to take all your cards.

Appreciate any and all comments greatly :)

2 commenti

Parkside 8

maxwell9999 38

Yeah, I should add that to the conderations, however I'm not sure exactly if it will fit. Yes I have times with 8+ dice in the pool but I want to resolve those dice ASAP and not leave them out. If I roll out turn 1, then opp plays an upgrade or support, I'm going to start resolving. By the time they roll out, my dice pool is usually down to less than 6 making it an ok card instead of a great card. Definitely something to consider though.