6-0 Adepticon Trilogy GQ - Beckett Talzin Profitable

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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wynalazca 283

Made this list last week. Practiced a few games vs some locals and liked how it felt. Wasn't going to make any changes because it felt good, but noticed they all chose to kill Tobias first so decided to change my 2 Wrist Rockets into Force Waves. Unfortunately I could only find 1 die the morning of the tournament so had to run 1/1. I'd probably keep the 1 wave and change the Wrist Rockets into another removal, never played either of them all tournament (didn't see wave and discarded wrist rockets when I did see it)

Strategy - mull for fist or Beckett's Rifle. Play the rifle immediately if you have it R1.


R1 - Snoke Traitor Nute. Opponent Delved for fist round 1, played firspray round 2, and Delved for a Planetary Bombardment R3. Yikes. Luckily my stealing and disrupts prevented a few big dice resolves.

R2 - Snoke Aphra Droid Bitter. Forgot my free draw off the bitter rivalry. Also completely forgot my opponent had a 3/1 ranged sitting out with no money. Tobias special baited me into using his power action and giving him the $ to resolve the die. Wow I suck.

R3 - Iden Sebulba AR. Game of the tournament for me. A local has been playing this list so I ended up discarding both Fists early and Sebulba COULDN'T Win. Gave up my entire second round to Vandalize his Firespray. We went hand to hand and I was able to ramp out into 2x Canto Bight w/ Tobias Rifle and close it.

R4 - Aphra Phasma2 Talzin (all 1 dice). Got fist end of round 1 and it rolled 3 , 3, 3 and I got a kill on Talzin. I believe I vandalized 0-0-0 and cleaned up pretty quickly after.

R5 - Snoke Aphra Droid Bitter. Definitely remembered my free draw this time. I vandalized a BT-1 early. Opponent got 3x Snoke power actions on Aphra's and ramped out pretty hard before I could get Snoke down. Nail biter at the end and his rolls whiffed and my rolls hit in the final round.

R6 - Beckett Mauler AR. There were 3x 5-0s and I pulled the pair down. This game went pretty well. I rolled some damage and resolved it to kill both characters. Shoutout to my opponent.

1 commento

akrafty 1

Looks bad, try sebulba, I hear he always wins