Ugly and The Beast

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Dirtcarver 2

This deck comes form someone fairly new to Destiny. I started following the game about a year ago--mostly watching video commentaries and games. I decided to actually buy some stuff with Convergence. I am looking forward to its release.

This is my first attempt at theory crafting a deck for the new Chewy. I call it "Ugly and The Beast." It requires the Allies of Necessity plot. (I will update the deck to include it when the card is no longer "unreleased." Also, this is elite Chewy, but I cannot make it that way until I can include the plot.)

Zeb provides the base Chewy needs for his +2 ranged. Their total health is 25, which is pretty decent for what could be some solid aggro. It should be legal for Standard once rotation hits.

Dangerous Maneuver and Draw Attention helps keep the damage on Chewy for his passive ability (since he does not get Guardian with Zeb). Although, you could always drop Fickle Mercenaries, Entourage, or Hired Muscle in the first round or two for Chewy to gain Guardian. Maybe it is worth putting one of those in the deck.

Again, I am new to the scene. Convergence will be my first foray into the game. Also, I do not have TTS to start testing out my theory crafting to see how it holds up to real-world play. Any suggestions or critiques would be helpful.

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