ATG Gungans

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Gungan Trilogy 8 6 4 2.0

nonameface 197

Lots of money available in this deck with Crackdown, Logistics, Well-Connected, and Aftermath. I also resolve almost every money side I roll and everyone has one except the Runaway Boomas.

Basic play tips: Roll in all gungans, blanks are great as long as Boss Nass - Bombastic Ruler is alive. Resolve good sides like 2 indirect and money before rerolling with Jar Jar Binks - Clumsy Outcast if you can. I usually save jar jar until I need to reroll their dice or most of my own are in the pool (why not get a free reroll on most of the bad dice.)

Always power action in extra Runaway Boomas dice, you can usually afford it. Fix them with Senate Chamber. If I dont roll the 2 focus side with it, I'll remove a Jar Jar Binks - Clumsy Outcast die or something else bad to turn it to the 2 focus.

You dont have a ton of removal but its all multi-die removal so spend your money on your removal before you spend it getting in a bit more damage.

Boss Nass - Bombastic Ruler is usually the first target. Make them pay for killing him with a diplomatic protection. Really beefs everyone else up once you get all the shields on everyone else. Gives you a whole other Gungan Warrior worth of health.

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