075 Skyhopper for the win!

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Maastricht 13

Just got back from a small tournament where i played 4 games.

3 victories - 1 very very tight loss.


Cienna-Darth Vader. Was left standing with 7 health on Lando Opponent used up 1 Rise Again , a Force Illusion and healed with a Ancient Lightsaber. So a lot of damage was done. I had put 2 Systems Gauge on a Escape Craft that took out a lot of dice every round. He had to power action so much that he was down to the last card at the end of the game.

Qui Gon - Yoda. This game was insane. I got out a Falcon in the first round and landed a Planned Explosion in round 2, taking out Yoda. I also played a free T-16 Skyhopper and searched for the Systems Gauge. Had the other systems gauge on the Falcon. that took care of a lot of dice removal. At the end of the game only 2 !! damage was done to me.

Yoda- Boush To be honest this player was pretty new and didnt have the most optimized deck. The victory was very swift. Again systems gauge on one of the non-damage-doing supports won the game.

Loss :

Qi'ra - phasma Very nice game. Opponent got some very good rolls in round 1 and killed Wedge in round 2. was able to get some goodies out and the next 3 rounds was of the closest game i ever played. In the last round we were both down to 2 health and he got in the Strategic Planning combined with Bait and Switch to kill me off.

The idea of the deck is to use Systems Gauge to counter the fact that 9 out of 10 times you wont have the battlefield because this deck is slow. put both on one the non-damage-doing supports like the T-16 or escape craft so you have to choice to activate the damage doing supports before the opponent rolls out damage. If you get the chance always start with lando activation in case you roll out the 4/2 resources. if you roll crappy use the Negotiate in case he rolls out non-damage sides. (and leave the systems gauge removal for later)

Use C-3po as a multipurpose. I mostly use it to discard or get money.

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