4 Characters. Maybe More. Probably More.

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

treygosfa 287

I love this deck, and what's not to love? You can potentially use Backup Muscle, The Best Defense..., Dangerous Maneuver to off your own characters to trigger Aftermath and Attrition, with the latter potentially on your own characters to re-trigger, before using Endless Ranksto bring the troops back! Sounds easy if you say it real fast. Power of the Dark Side works great with all the blanks, especially with Chance Cube, which all work with Meditate and Separatist Landing Craft to get what you need. Vow Of Vengeance and New Orders are late game closers. Really fun, unless you're the Obi/Maz player who had to fight through 60 damage!

4 commenti

whataboutb0b 1

Played this deck last night and had a blast with it. Put a vow of vengeance on a super battle droid and hit for 5 ind to close it out. Quick question, I assume vow of vengeance stacks? So that would be 8 ind then correct?

treygosfa 287

Yes, it does stack. The most I have gotten was 6 with a 1 ind on Luce - Callous Nightsister and 5 dead friends with the 2 extra Battle Droid from the Separatist Landing Craft! I have yet to get 2 Vow Of Vengeance in play, but I also haven't had the opportunity, or the need when the opportunity was there.

whataboutb0b 1

Didnt even think about the ramped up damage that Separatist Landing Craft can give you with Vow Of Vengeance....

Also, really want to pull off a New Orders for 3 and then claim for 3 more! That's nasty

treygosfa 287

I've pulled off the New Orders and claim thing. That's a great closer.