Chicago Regional 2018 Winner (Snoke/Thrawn)

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Dz 70

Deck not valid anymore due to errata -- I would likely build this deck much differently if I decided to include Bitter Rivalry as Grand Moff doesn't look as good and try to squeeze in Separatist Landing Craft for more health. Delayed posting the list as I thought TO might post it as well as the errata kind of killed the buzz of having the 100th Thrawn/Snoke deck posted on this database.

64 players -- 3rd after Swiss (6-1) and winner overall (6-2 in games)

Nothing really too cute here as I was expecting A LOT of Yoda/Leia3 and Snoke/Thrawns with a splash of Vader and Jyn/Cass -- and as predicted the field was exactly that. Deck for the most part was ripped from HS of the hyperloops with some meta call changes.

Interesting omissions from other Throke decks: Separatist Landing Craft was not to be found as I didn't really care for the extra 6hp or the shields (game plan is to hit face then hit more face). As long as I didn't face Aphra (which I was not expecting), I didn't really think the SLC was worth it. Beguile was a card I took out late as I assumed a lot of Throke players would be on vigilance for the mirror -- personally I didn't miss it.

Other includes: Vigilance and Stifle were insurance policies to slow down mirror matches especially when I couldn't (or didn't want to) use Grand Moff. Nothing felt bad, though Stifle I could lose in replace of a feint -- I'm unsure how effective stifle really was b/c it was only used when Thrawn died.

Cards I'd consider: Feint was a late removal and kind of regretted it. Abandon All Hope was an early removal, but the more I thought about it the worse it got (it can be played around easily)

R1 = Bye (1-0) -- earned one playing Thrawn/Snoke (funny enough), considered holding it for another Regional but in hindsight this was a great usage of the bye.

R2 = eVader/Greedo (2-0) -- Started with a terrible hand for the matchup (Deflect/Vigilance/Tie/Grand Moff/Doubt) and as the first round played out, I couldn't stop 11 damage into Thrawn the first round. An early The Price of Failure that came up 1 damage short was in hindsight the best thing to happen to me. Ended up controlling his resources as I kept him away from a Rise Again

R3 = eVader/Greedo (3-0) -- Vader player was rolling like complete trash for 2 rounds, he simply couldn't get things going and my damage was just on point. So it goes with Vader -- you hit or you don't. My opponent didn't

R4 = eSnoke/Bazine/Cienna/DD (4-0) -- My opponent couldn't find some of his damage dice and simply lost the damage race. He managed to sneak in 2 AT-STs via FIHP to make it very interesting but a little too late.

R5 = eSnoke/eThrawn (4-1) -- My first mirror of the day and my only swiss loss to the guy that eventually topped swiss at 7-0 and met in the finals. Not much to say here as we were on the same game plan and mindset. He found his money early and I was just out-tempo'ed. It was much closer than what it should be, even had a chance for a win when he whiffed on an initial rollout but I simply whiffed harder (really poor odds for me to hit anyways, so I wasn't crushed)

R6 = ePoe2/eHan3 vehicles (5-1) -- this player bubbled but ended up playing in the top 8 after a drop out. Nothing to really say here as it was a brutal matchup for him. He couldn't find any vehicle in the top half of his deck. It was ugly. I'm noticing a trend here, apparently I cut decks very well.

R7 = eYoda/eBoush (6-1) -- I was foolishly arrogant here as I got my fist out and put 8 into Leia round 1 with a health looking Thrawn. BOY was I wrong as the matchup started to spiral out of my control. My fist was essentially controlled via 2x Force Throws. In the end, I had 1 fist die needing 1 side (4/1) and 3 rolls to do it. I managed to be on the winning side of the 41% chance.


eSnoke/eThrawn mirror match (2-0) -- Game 1 was a blowout for me; I simply found what I was looking for before my opponent did. Game 2 was more of the same; however my opponent was too hell bent on trying to Abandon All Hope me. I simply had to play around it until I found some disrupts and proceed with the Fisting.


eSnoke/eThrawn mirror match (2-1) -- Very good Thrawn player here. Game 1 I was down in tempo and it was a slow grind to my defeat. Game 2 started out more of the same but somehow turned it around to grab the win. With 17 minutes left of the match, we tried to semi-play-fast and prioritize damage for the eventual tiebreakers. I came out on top easily with breakers (though the game would of likely been mine anyhow had it gone to another round)


eSnoke/eThrawn mirror match (2-1) -- This was vs my only loss in the swiss. My opponent was very good and knew how to play a mean Snoke/Thrawn. Game 1 simply went my way and Game 2 went his (could of been the other way around, all these mirrors are starting to blend together) -- nothing particularly interesting, just solid playing. Game 3 my opponent had a rough starting hand (along with substandard rolling) meanwhile I managed to get all my bombs in my initial hand so his Feint play wasn't too disastrous (still sucked though!). I foolishly (yet brazenly) whiffed on a 5 Thrawn call (something I did not do at all during my other mirror matches and ultimately regretted that I deviated from my own game plan) but I was determined to not get killed via an early Fist. This was a fist-less game 3 and I eventually broke out with a 14 indirect round, followed by a 10 indirect round for the nail in the coffin. Moff was MVP in this matchup, which is weird as I don't particular like it in the mirorr. GG

This iteration of the deck is essentially dead d/t point cost change, but can be salvaged -- I still think it's very competitive even with Bitter Rivalry penalty but you are definitely more susceptible to fast aggro that can burn a 10hp Thrawn or a 9hp Snoke . I've only been playing since the Legacies era so grabbing a big win here is nice as I always wondered if I can compete in a larger tournament. The win was extra sweet as it was my home store too.

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