A fate worse than death

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
A fate worse than death 3 2 8 4.0
Ispiratore di
A fate worse than death 2 1 0 6.0

Patpatine 195

Okay, some changes that I made are listed below.

One, -2 Logistics, this card was pretty good, but I decided to put in a Torment instead. Two, +2Electrostaff, I can't believe I didn't put this into the original deck of this, It's perfect for Savage Opress - Reckless Warrior and it kills with the damage sides. Three, +2 Lightsaber Pull, this is just a way of getting Crafted Lightsaber early on in the game and playing it on Savage Opress - Reckless Warrior given his ability.

Anyways, those are the changes I've made on the deck, give me your thoughts on what I should add or what I should take out.

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