Dryden's Way of the force; Now with more Vehicles!

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Dryden's Way of the force? 1 2 1 1.0
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Tsjagatai 13

Did you ever think to yourself, SW Destiny is a great game... But it really needs more FREE stuff?

Well, fret no longer as this is THE Deck that will answer that call! First turn board consisting of a Pirate Speeder Tank AND a Command Shuttle? Dryden's got you covered. Opponent being envious of all your FREE stuff and responding by godrolling all that damage in? Don't worrry, Dryden's got all of that in the Crosshairs for the measly cost of 1 special!

Joking aside though, it's a tremendously fun deck to play. With a lot of highs... and probably a fair amount of lows; But either way, playing this deck is always a blast and the perfect brew to take with your for a casual night at you LGS :)

Do hit that Like and favourite button to help spread this most enjoyable deck of pure Jank!

1 commento

Venator class star destroyer! 20

This is cool

What would you swap for a pirate speeder and quadjumper? Seeing as I don’t have either.