Self-Destruction - Nationals deck with write-up - 15-5

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NOVA Top 32 - "Curtain Call" (Aphra/Executioners) 40 30 18 1.0
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Hessian Sack 1338

I'm considering this deck for Australian Nationals. I'm currently 8-3 on TTS. I figured I'd post it here because it seems to be getting more popular, and I wanted some hints from those of you with more experience than me. In this write up, I'll go through the pros and cons of the deck, and some of my card choices.

Pros of the Deck

  1. It's cheap. This list cost me under $25 Australian Dollars. Including postage. I was able to trade for two thirds of the cards, though, so I guess it doesn't count. The full singles price would probably be around $40AUD. So it's still a lot cheaper than the rest of the tier 1 meta decks that are going around. Yes, Snoke, I'm looking at you.

  2. Aphra. I love Aphra's character in the Vader comic, she's probably my all-time favourite Star Wars character. They did her character really well in the game. Her -1 on Droids is strong, and I'm hoping to see some more powerful droids in AtG that I can pair her with. And don't underestimate the power of an extra card every time you activate BT-1 or deal Indirect damage to yourself. Multiple times I've drawn the Backup Muscle I need to finish the game, or the piece of mitigation I so desperately need.

  3. The Executioners are super consistent and their ability is ridiculous. 50% damage sides. Yes, they have a couple of blanks, but Chance Cube sees play. Yes one of them is a pay side, but that's manageable most of the time. In 3 of my 1 total games, I've managed to roll in my Executioners 3 times (one activation, and two characters defeated). It can be hard to know when to activate them, but with practice, they can be incredibly strong. Meet the new FOST, but 10 times better.

  4. The Droid/Self Destruction package. Let me set up a scenario here: You have 0-0-0 and a Bubble Shield on the table. BT-1 is in your hand. You play BT-1 for 1 resource because of Aphra. Next action you activate BT-1, deal 1 damage to your Bubble Shield and 2 damage to your opponent, they block this on their Force Illusion, in order to prevent the attached character (on 1 health)from being defeated, but you remind them that the damage is from 2 sources, and they can therefore only block one damage. The character is defeated, and you roll the Executioner dice into your pool. Don;t forget to draw a card as well! From there, you've just about won the game. Other cards that trigger Aphra and 0-0-0's abilities are: Climate Disruption Array, By Any Means, Crash Landing, Dangerous Maneuver.

Cons of the Deck

  1. Resource costs. Every die in the deck (except the ARC-170 Starfighter) has at least one. This means that it can be really hard to decide what to use your resources on. Droids? Mitigation? Damage?

  2. The Executioners Have 2 blanks sides. It's a pain to kill a character, and roll out with the ability, only to find a glaring red BLANK sitting on the table. Where's my reward for that hard-earned character kill??!!

  3. You are dealing damage to yourself. You need to be careful, and I'll always resolve an Aphra 2 Shield side. It can be tempting to discard your Bubble Shields to try and get more damage, but each one of them is +3 health and worth their weight in gold. I just realised they're not very heavy, but you get what I mean. Just be careful with your indirect.

  4. Hailfire Droid Tank isn't in here because it's unavailable in my area. :(

Card Choices

I'm going to be quick here, because I've been typing for a while now, and your patience is probably running out.

0-0-0 is an Auto-Include in any Aphra deck.

ARC-170 Starfighter is because I don't have a Slave I, and it's better anyway, with better damage sides, and no resource cost on the 3 Indirect.

Backup Muscle Is great for finishing off a Luke Skywalker with 3 shields, amongst other things.

BT-1 Auto-Include.

Bubble Shield Is a free extra 3 health for 1 resource. Who would say no in a deck all about Self-Destruction??

Climate Disruption Array Consistent damage to your opponent, triggers 0-0-0, and Aphra.

Droid Commandos is a crappy replacement for Hailfire Droid Tank.

Imperial HQ is to help a bit with the resource cost problem.

By Any Means Who wouldn't want a removal card that is restricted to dice with a value of 2 and above and deals you damage? Basically anyone without Aphra and 0-0-0.

Crash Landing triggers 0-0-0, and Aphra.

Dangerous Maneuver heals you, then hurts you, but the damage can be dealt to Bubble Shield or shields. It also triggers 0-0-0, and Aphra.

Emulate good against TaCos, and can turn my dice. Incredible in the mirror.

First Strike In case you hadn't noticed, it's really good to deal 7 Indirect to your opponent after they roll it with Planetary Bombardment. ;)

He Doesn't Like You Auto-Include mitigation.

Relentless Pursuit Helpful against shields.

Reprogram Helps you get out those good ol' droids.

The Best Defense... Auto-Include mitigation for Red Villain.

Vandalize Upgrade hate.

THANKYOU for reading this far. Well done.

~Hessian Sack

11 commenti

stranglebat 832

Going to point out that First strike deals damage directly (untyped) not indirect :)

Hessian Sack 1338

@stranglebat lol ;P my bad.

RebelTraitor 259

first strike seems like a blowout card that isn't very consistent. Really good, but not always. If you're expecting a lot of planetary, It's really good. I advise cutting it if you're not.

Hessian Sack 1338

@RebelTraitor What would you switch it for? I'm pretty convinced it has a place in here. I'm 100% confident that I'll see Planetary Bombardments.

RafLarkin 14

I would cut the Comando Droids and ARC, you will rarly have resources to play them. I would put Armour Plating (works like Force Ilusion for yellow) and Fair Trade as a tech card for those decks that has lots of resources.

benchan87 7

The the ARC-170 Starfighter I would drop, if you want to put a vehicle in put Hailfire Droid Tank keep one Droid Commandos As for tech cards or helping with money you can try out Outmaneuver Streetwise

Hessian Sack 1338

@RafLarkin The ARC-170 Starfighter is something I'd be willing to cut, but the Droid Commandos are really strong still. There are plenty of ways for me to get them out too. I can use Docking Bay - Finalizer + Aphra's ability, or Reprogram. "Fair" Trade I just don't like. I want to keep my dice for damage most of the time.

@benchan87 I mentioned in the write-up that I can't get a Hailfire Droid Tank. I don't claim enough for Outmaneuver to be worth it, and Streetwise can be used on all of three cards in the deck.

Hutt Cartel Wrocław - Bert 119

Hi ya! Nice that you are in the Aphra Exe camp :) As for my playtesting i would cut 1 by any means to add another crash landing. 0 cost removal that makes your aphra - 000 combo trigger is good, and not to mention that additional resources in this deck is not that common :p

I would drop Arc and tech team and if you need additional support - go for sebulba podracer which generates more indirects.

Also why you do not include doubt? It is extra semi removal card that costs 0 i would even think if 2 the best defence is for sure a good deal.

Hessian Sack 1338

@Berestaszek I'm currently trying to acquire a second Crash Landing. I disagree with cutting By Any Means though. It's a great trigger for Aphra and 0-0-0's abilities, and the amount of times I've removed 3 Melee sides with it is countless. Not to mention Planetary Bombardment dice.

I've been considering dropping ARC-170 Starfighter, it'll be one of the first to go for sure. I haven't included a Tech Team though. I can see Sebulba's Podracer being useful.

I didn't include Doubt mainly due to the amount of times it's failed me. I've been thinking about swapping The Best Defense for Flank

What would you include as extra resource gen?

Winter_soldier 1

beginners question here! What happens if you use the ability from the executioners when your executioner is still ready and you roll a blank. Can you take the die back to activate the executioner(and roll the die back in)?

Hessian Sack 1338

@Winter_soldier I think yes. Not completely sure on this.