Quinlan Rainbow

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Non ancora.

ParkerSimpsonArtwork 29

Good afternoon! I briefly mention during my upcoming appearance on "I Rebel - A Star Wars Destiny Podcast" that I am running a casual Quinlan Vos deck so I thought I would share the list for anyone looking for something different to play around with. The deck and characters have evolved quite a bit and has become this version mostly due to my specific play style. It originated as eQuinlan/ePryce/Stolen Intel with stuff like Pyschometry and Chance Cube, then to eQuinlan/Dark Advisor/Bazine, but it seems like it does best with a three character build but also having access to all available colors.

Getting to the point: Get set up with a solid support early, either Command Shuttle or the Solar Sailer, pile together roughly 3 resources, then draw forever, and do some Quinlan specials. Do your best to gather resources early and don't worry if either of the girls get knocked out in the first few rounds.

Draw Cards: Boundless Ambition is the MVP, allowing you to mitigate and discard to reroll without fear of needing more cards in hand. Right after Boundless is Dooku's Solar Sailer. Being able to draw that extra card AND have a ton of potential focus/resources is a treasure in this deck. Award Ceremony early, as it loses value when your kids start dying. View it as a +2 for Quinlan. Bounty Posting is pretty spicy against three wide, which would equate it to a +2, but if you're against a two character team it equals out to a +1 like Ancient Wisdom. Honorable mention in this section is Dark Counsel, that special does work.

Discard: Probe is great. If you get lucky and hit two that is a +1 advantage in this deck, plus you probably knocked out something important. Pickpocket is interesting. While it does not give you any advantage Quinlan-wise it does help dwindle down their hand while replacing itself in regards to hand size. Vibroknucklers are debatable. They have solid discard sides that could be bigger with money, and with all the focus flying around with the Solar Sailer and Dark Counsel you are typically hitting something you want. I always slap it on Bazine so it draws attention away from Quinlan, and also gives you some melee to finish the job if he goes down first.

Mitigation suite is pretty simple, and also pretty small. However, you are drawing through a good portion of your deck by round 2 or 3, so you'll typically have what you need. Save it primarily for Quinlan, unless you're sitting on an Award Ceremony.

This is an unnecessarily long explanation of a jank deck, but there you have it!

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