eSnoke / Grievous - Civilized Weapons

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4 Upgrades on Grievous at the start of round 2! W/guide 44 32 34 1.0
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adalric 62

Load up Snoke with Force Speeds and Grievous with weapons using It Binds All Things. I've had the best performance with two Shoto Lightsabers to add shields and two Crafted Lightsabers to do most efficient damage for cost, as he gets to ignore the Crafted's play restriction.

Opponent will be looking to mitigate Grievous' die if it shows , as they want to avoid that die being Snoked for 5 direct damage, but round 1, you're looking to Snoke it for 3 . Take Snoke's sides if they come up round 1, also. Play Enrage to get additional . This would make 10 resources starting round 2. (11 if you claim this battleground, too.) If all goes right, with two It Binds All Things, you can have Snoke with two Force Speeds and Grievous with four weapons before round 2 activations, and you still have resources left over for mitigation or tech cards (see below).

Roll out Snoke and focus chain into specials and/or 2 . Ideally, if you can resolve two Force Speed specials, you can:

  1. Grand Entrance Grievous.
  2. Close Quarters Assault their entire hand (removing mitigation).
  3. Power Action Grievous for 4 damage.
  4. Resolve 5 damage dice (max potential here 16 damage) and kill a character.
  5. Follow this up with Furious Assault. Resolve four weapon dice and potentially kill another character.

Lightsaber Pull is specifically for a Shoto Lightsaber or Ancient Lightsaber, or if you didn't pull a weapon into your hand.

The Power of the Force is another powerful card late. I added it with the intention of resolving a 1 for a lot more, but it has more power if it can be used on a single Snoke die to focus as many as 7 dice (4 upgrades on Grievous, 3 on Snoke).

If their battlefield works for you, and you win the roll off, don't be afraid to take the shields. Grievous should be the target, but your opponent might not want to try to take down a 16 health (includes shields) character first.

Don't forget about Grievous' 2 side, either. If you're playing against vehicles, Snoking this side would put your opponent in a rough position from the start.

Don't put too much importance on Grievous' power action. Snoke's focusing and action cheating will let you control and resolve 5 direct damage dice. If you rolled out poorly or if you've rolled out weapons again using Furious Assault, then use the power action. Otherwise, just concentrate on resolving max dice damage.

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