Piett Vehicles- PlanetaryBombardment

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
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Piett Vehicles- PlanetaryBombardment 1 0 2 2.0

Munkey 2

Roll TIE Pilot to try to protect range dice, roll out Bazine Netal - Master Manipulator, Jawa Scavenger, Bazine Netal - Master Manipulator ability is decent early game, then roll Firmus Piett - Ambitious Admiral and change other characters to credits to build up credits. Turn one drop Delve to start dropping high cost vehicles such as Hailfire Droid Tank and either a Podracer or Quadjumper. Pump out as many vehicles as you can early. remove and mitigate dice The Best Defense... and hold Fall Back in hand for those decks with lots of upgrades. Drop for cheap or for free doing a lot of indirect damage. This deck is very powerful, it can take a little to ramp up. Especially if facing a control deck.

I know this deck isn't perfect and it needs a lot of work. These are just the cards I currently have. I plan to take out Cheat and Podracer Betting. They are too situational and don't go with the flow. I would love to get my hands on another Planetary Bombardment and Hailfire Droid Tank. I also want to put Flanking Maneuver and Deploy Squadron in my deck. I might take out Separatist Landing Craft. That card saved my life once. I was able to use its ability and summon a Battle Droid giving me 9 extra health to survive and win. Again too situational, and like to have one of the cards I mentioned to add a better flow. Like I said I plan to keep playing this deck and making small tweaks here and there. Let me know if anyone thinks of anything to make this better. I also think I want to obtain Tech Team, Crush the Rebellion, and Salvo, and see if I can fit them in this deck some how.

1 commento

Munkey 2

Pirate Speeder Tank possibly as an addition as well to protect Firmus Piett - Ambitious Admiral