Snoke's Guards - Hyperloops Article Updated Deck

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jlolli22 8

This is the revised decklist from the Hyperloops article that that I wrote earlier this week. After a very precise critique, I agreed the deck was too short on dice to consistently compile the damage necessary to defeat the three wide mill deck. I found that taking out the action cheating (force speed and tactical mastery) and replacing it with additional range damage dice was better all around. The vibroknife wasn't consistent as the commenter stated, and the hand disruption is more effective than the action cheat was. You will want to mulligan very hard for the chance cubes. Having one in the starting hand can seriously increase the output damage early on. Snoke will almost always focus it to 3 resources, and if they are removing Snoke's dice, it leaves more opportunity to use Snoke's ability on one of the character dice. I feel this version is vastly improved against mill and the rest of the field. It's one big weakness is probably Solo Sabine. This deck probably won't get tested much as the Mother Mando Mando (TaCos) deck seems to be very popular with similar features. I believe Snoke's ability (which is far superior to Mother's) plus the command cards that can be added, give this deck more firepower than Tacos, but we will have to wait and see.

If you test the deck out, let me know how it goes.

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