Rex and Friends

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

whozeppelin224 15

A little different spin on Rex vehicles, I wanted to give the N-1 a shot.

I played this deck on 7/28 at Atlantis Comics and Games in Norfolk, Va. I went 2-3, so clearly some work to be done here, but I think it has potential.

Here are the decks that I faced 1) Boba/Mando Commando x 2: This was a cool deck to see, very different. I was out front most of the game. He was able to kill the Clone Trooper, but Rex and the Hired Gun brought it home. WIN 2) 4-wide Hero Mill: This game was against a very talented opponent in the area and I knew that I was up against the wall just with it being the vehicles v. mill matchup. He was running Ezra/Jar Jar/Ezra/Rose. I was able to kill Jar-Jar incredibly quickly, but he wore me down eventually. Two All Quiet on the Front milled me for a total of 12 cards, which certainly hurt. I ended up killing all but Ezra before he milled me out. It was a close one. LOSS 3) 4-wide Hero Vehicles: Next up was a 4-wide hero vehicles, featuring Rose/Jar Jar/Anakin/Jedi Instructor. The vehicles v. vehicles matchup was a fun one, but I was able to get my ARCs out quickly and they were rolling hot. WIN 4) Rieekan-Yoda Mill: This one wasn't even close. He milled me quickly, controlled my dice and generally controlled everything about the game. LOSS. 5) eSnoke/Piett/Rebel Traitor: This was also a close game. My Hired Gun and Clone Trooper dice went cold and weren't able to produce anything I needed. This was the matchup that I slotted in the N-1 for, but it didn't do much, sadly. LOSS

These were the first five games that I ever played this deck, so I'm sure I made some misplays. I would like to mix it up and see about making this a more upgrade-focused deck and try it without the vehicles in the deck. Partnership would also but cut in that scenario.

Just thought I'd put my experience out there!

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