Space Slugs 2: Crime Lords

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Non ancora.

GandalfsHat 11

In case the title didn't clue you in, this deck is largely a Crime Lord deck. It will function as a mill deck against battle droid or other similar decks, hence Buy Out and Blackmail. But the objective is simple: Make as much money as fast as possible, and crime lord. Fast Hands combined with jabba's ability helps land the crime lord special before the opponent can remove it, so use that to your advantage. Infamous fixes one of the biggest issues with the original versions of this deck, namely, that you could remove (usually) only one die with an action, which caused the deck to fall behind in some cases. Well no more! Look for an infamous, crime lord, and fast ands if possible in your opening hand, and then just let the deck do its work. Use of Unkar's ability is optional and requires a measure of the opponents deck, though personally I prefer to just use his big resource dice.

3 commenti

GandalfsHat 11

Feel free to make any suggestions, always love improving the decks!

Razelll 244

@GandalfsHat Hound's Tooth is a great way to make resources. Lying in Wait is a good way to end a game if you do mill them. But you probably don't need it with your characters and Blackmail. He Doesn't Like You is just a really crazy removal for free. I think it is better than Risky Move and Sticky Situation.

GandalfsHat 11

@Razelll I love He Doesn't Like You, and it does make an excellent addition to this list. The reason I don't include it is largely a play style choice, I have found that there are too many situations in the games I play where I don't have dice in my pool when I needed this card. This is simply my preference, however, and He Doesn't Like You fits the deck like a glove. I will say, in respects to Risky Move, the card works better than you might believe. The trick lies in playing it later in the round, where two things are likely to happen: either your opponent is out of playable cards/doesn't want to play cards, or it's late enough that Ambush doesn't really matter.