Boba/Phasma Omaha Ne 12 person Store Championship Winner (4-

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Boba/Phasma v2 - Worlds Deck updated 15 11 12 1.0
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Non ancora.

UnNerv3d 36

Credit to @RebelSpy for the base of the deck. I swapped one LL-30 out for a Phasma's Blaster and found it to be very good. Friends was an interesting card and one that I think gets a lot of play but I also found in the late game I just pitched it a lot for rerolls.

Round 1: eMother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch/eCount Dooku - Darth Tyranus - Very Close game but Swiftness to We Have Them Now was clutch for the win.

Round 2: eYoda - Wizened Master/eCassian Andor - Rebellion Operative - played deliberate and stopped playing my cards, but he still managed to remove my last card from hand before I rolled to a damage victory.

Round 3: Rex - Clone Captain/Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper - Opponent just didn't roll damage very well all game, but I could start to see the ball rolling by the time I killed Rex.

Round 4: eYoda - Wizened Master/eAhsoka Tano - Force Operative - I was nervous about this matchup because I'd seen what these two together can do, My opponent never drew early upgrades and it just wasn't enough damage to outrace me and I rolled crazy good!

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