Island Training (Elite R2L3)

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

Social Enemy 157

This is your standard R2L3 deck.

The goal here is pretty simple: Get out good blue weapons on Rey - Finding The Ways and Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor while maintaining synergy. It Binds All Things and Reaping The Crystal will decrease the cost for upgrades. Loth-Wolf Bond allows you to put a on Rey and then immediately activate her, which exploits her activation ability. Roll on Luke Skywalker - Reluctant Instructor and on Rey - Finding The Ways or a weapon and then activate Synchronicity for extra damage. Have fun and don't drink any blue milk!

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