Show Ahsoka the money!

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Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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Non ancora.

Archer 19

Goal is simple. Make as much money as you can with Anakin and Ezra to prepare for massive damage with Ahsoka on Round 2-3. This money will pay for Darksaber / Dagger of Mortis or Heirloom AND and additonal activation of Ahsoka.

Respected Businessman and Shoto are great early in the game on Ahsoka. (2x activations = 2x ressources or 2x Shields)

Redeploy weapons are keys in this deck because Ahsoka may be dead by round 3. Try to keep her alive with Shields, Impersonate and Force Illusion. There is a lot of dice mitigate also in this version.

Chopper and R2 are auto-include with Anakin's ability.

Note, this deck was inspired by another folk with an eAnakin / eAhsoka deck, but I like the fact that Ezra is bringing extra life points, an additional target for second chance + once a while additional damage / ressource

I'm still not sure about the battlefield. Outer Rim Outpost may be better, however, I may not claim very often...

Thanks for your feedback.

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