Thrawn Snoke

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Thawn Snoke Burst Vehicles 7 5 6 1.0
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

dough54321 139

It's all about gaining resources and getting out the big guns (supports) to play. There's a lot of support hate with this deck to control what the Hero Vehicles are doing.

3 commenti

D4rthCaedus 243

Sorry to be the bearer if bad news, but Lack of Faith does nothing in your deck :/ everything else looks awesome!! You should def consider Fall Back, it's helped me SO MUCH. Do you feel like Count Dooku's Solar Sailer is better than Fang Fighter? I feel like I have enough focus as it is...

D4rthCaedus 243

Oh also, I feel like Docking Bay - Finalizer is too risky with all the Force Illusions around, and we almost never claim, so I run the one that discounts a vehicle...

Palabrewtis 518

As @D4rthCaedusmentioned Lack of Faith doesn't work. However Docking Bay - Finalizer only pulls out supports, not upgrades. So your opponent can't use it on Force Ilusion, however if they run something like Honor Guard they could recur it. The primary reason to run Docking Bay - Finalizer is to pull a discarded Planetary Bombardment for the 4+ unexpected indirect damage in a vehicle deck, and to help against mill decks that discard your ships during the turn.