Sir, the damage is getting... out of hand.

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
Ispiratore di
Non ancora.

vlac 156


Anyway, a list from the top of my head, which I believe can be greatly improved (feel free to do so).

The upgrades are used to trigger Mando's ability, but also to synergize together.

  • Chance Cube + Talzin,
  • Holocron + Force Abilities,
  • etc...

Try to mulligan for chance cube, as only 1 copy has already ensured you can trigger both abilities every turn. After that, you can use the remaining upgrades to protect Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch, while you continue to ping damage.

Perfect -not likely to happen- first turn: ~17 dmg (Holocron, 2x Push, ArmedTTT, Backup Muscle)

3 commenti

JediConsular4hire 72

First of all, awesome idea! I really liked the mandolorian super commando when I first saw him. You need at least 2, and elite Talzin fits in perfectly.

Plastoid armor is actually pretty great as it’s basically a free shield and a free damage in one power action.

My advice/question is that I’m not sure I understand the value of Chance cube here. Also, I think I would focus on weapon and equipment upgrades more that blue force abilities. You certainly want to utilize both the mandos power actions every round. For that I’d throw in some LL-30 blasters, hunting rifle, hidden blasters, holdout blasters, etc. The mandoloian armor works, and so do the new mandolorian vambraces.

Armed to the teeth is just devastating late game to finish off opponents.

But if it was me I would pitch the whole blue ability angle and add more weapon/equipment.

I also wonder how a 3 Mandolorian deck with profitable connections might do...

vlac 156

@JediConsular4hire I'm glad you like the idea.

Chance Cube is of type Equipment, which means it can trigger the Mandalorian Super Commando's ability. If you don't pay 1 resource to roll in Chance Cube, it returns to your hand - which is what you want. You can then use it to trigger the 2nd Commando. After that you can use Mother Talzin - Nightsister Matriarch with exactly 66.66% chance to snag 3 resources.

I personally don't think 3x MSC is a good idea, as the ability is triggered only once per turn + you lose 2 Talzin dice and a free focus. You will also be very limited in your mitigation suite. But I may be wrong.

I can definitely see place for Holdout Blaster and LL-30 Blaster Pistol.

JediConsular4hire 72

@vlac, that is a good point on the interaction with Chance Cube. I’m not sure why but I thought you were trying to keep it fielded. Makes much more sense.