Ahch-To Training - eRey2 eLuke3

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Ahch-To Training - eRey2 eLuke3 0 1 0 2.0

Jedi_1993 58

Currently untested since cards aren’t out here for a little while. But any feedback would be appreciated. I really want this pairing to work.

3 commenti

GregtheBiz 391

Jedi_1993 58

@dustin13862 I’m not a fan of Ancient Lightsaber, I just never seem to actually play them - but I know they can be very useful in certain situations, I’m not sure what I’d lose to make room for them - they’d certainly help with Mill.

Dagger of Mortis is a good idea, would probably swap out one of the Heirloom Lightsaber for it.

the BEAST 1128

Force illusion? Also good with luke’s ability and Luke's Training.