Bounty Negotiations - My Kind of Scum

Simulatore di pescata
Probabilità: 0% – 0% di più
Ispirato da
Nessuno. Solo deck creati personalmente qui.
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TheLittlestTeapot 1

Boushh has come to your palace for the bounty on the Wookiee Chewbacca.

You, The Great and Mighty Jabba the Hutt, have long desired to place the head of the Chewbacca alongside his friend and your Prized Possession Han Solo. You offer a "Fair" Trade of 25k credits to this wanna-be bounty hunter.

Boushh however, demands 50k credits, no less.

Outraged by this request, you demand to know why you must be paid 50k.

Between you, your Majordomo and Cunning team of Con Artists, Bartering with you will not be easy. You are not above Blackmail or Cheating to get what you want and it will take more than the worthless demands of some worthless nobody to convince you otherwise.

You'll easily Persuade him to take the deal. If not you can simply take what you want through Confiscation like the rest of your Pilfered Goods. After all, Only Business Matters, and you are a Crime Lord.

You think to yourself that unless Boushh is "My Kind of Scum" he will not last long in these negotiations.

Bounty Negotiations

This deck is built as part of a series of two-decked themed battles based off of iconic scenes from the Star Wars universe. These binary decks are not optimized, but are intended to be balanced for casual play against their counterpart, while sticking to the theme and spirit of the scene they represent. Feel free make suggestions or critiques in the comments.

Find the counterpart of this themed deck here: Bounty Negotiations - Fearless and Inventive

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